Rusty Spent His Entire Life Chained To a Wall Outside – IOTW Report

Rusty Spent His Entire Life Chained To a Wall Outside

Now he’s grinning ear to ear. See HERE

HT/ Billy Fuster980x

24 Comments on Rusty Spent His Entire Life Chained To a Wall Outside

  1. How can a person live with themselves knowing that are torturing that poor dog like that. The owner should be chained to the same wall for a few weeks, maybe that would change their perspective a little.

  2. My crazy baby sister, RIP, would go into a dog’s yard and rescue them from the chain they were on 24/7. She would take pictures and document the conditions the dogs were subjected to before the abduction.
    Had to bail her out a couple of times. When her pro bono lawyers and willing to testify vet got done explaining to the owner what a animal cruelty charge could entail. Suddenly the owners who complained and had her arrested, remembered they had given Sally that dog and had just disremembered.
    She was a big believer in asking for forgiveness, not so much for permission.
    Did I mention she was absolutely fearless?
    Wonder how O’Baja’s dogs are doing, on the menu yet?

  3. I have a very difficult time reading stories like these. I almost didn’t read it. I have always liked animals more than people. Animals can love, but they don’t have the capacity to hate. I’m an easy-going guy, but mistreating animals brings out a rage in me.

  4. Confession: As a teenager, I once stole a dog off the street. I knew who owned it. The owner would let it run loose for days and nights on end. I saw it nearly get struck by a car too many times. I drove the dog to my aunt’s house where he lived like a king the rest of the days of his life.

    Oops, I don’t think I ever formally confessed that one, but I didn’t figure it to be a sin at the time.

  5. Im in the middle of a 100+ bison herd nearly every day. and no, iI don’t roller skate, heh.

    They are magnificent animals…they are my boss…but iI am their keeper…I’m humble when among them.

  6. The wife goes to bed at 8, when I get there, have to clear it off.
    Two little sooners and a huge galoot of a Labradoodle.
    One night the dogs had pushed her too close to the edge, maybe one year she will let me off the hook for rolling her out.

  7. No way was that dog 15 years old. Ten, maybe. So glad someone took enough of an interest in him to save him. I’m a sucker for a good rescue story, I suppose because I have rescued 6 dogs over the years.

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