Ryan’s Super PAC Gives Millions to GOP’s Amnesty Discharge Signers – IOTW Report

Ryan’s Super PAC Gives Millions to GOP’s Amnesty Discharge Signers

Breitbart: A Super PAC funded by retiring House Speaker Paul Ryan is spending more than $10 million to help the GOP representatives who are trying to pass a cheap-labor amnesty via the discharge-petition process.

The amnesty-boosting funds are being collected and shared via the Congressional Leadership Fund, which was described in a May 17 Politico article:

TUSTIN, Calif. — Republicans have amassed a sprawling shadow field organization to defend the House this fall, spending tens of millions of dollars in an unprecedented effort to protect dozens of battleground districts that will determine control of the chamber.

The initiative by the Congressional Leadership Fund, a super PAC aligned with Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), now includes 34 offices running mini-campaigns for vulnerable Republicans throughout the country. It has built its own in-house research and data teams and recruited 4,000 student volunteers, who have knocked on more than 10 million doors since February 2017.

Ryan appears at fundraisers for the CLF but does not ask for the donations, nor direct the CLF’s day-to-day activities.

4 Comments on Ryan’s Super PAC Gives Millions to GOP’s Amnesty Discharge Signers

  1. A party that leaves a lame duck with loyalty only to those to whom he’s going into the business of peddling influence in a position of power deserves what will happen to it as a result. Unfortunately the rest of us don’t. Why does this guy still have even the key to the house restroom, much less the speaker’s gavel?


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