S.E. Cupp – Absolute Moron – IOTW Report

S.E. Cupp – Absolute Moron

I was on the “S.E. Cupp is a moron” bandwagon long before it was cool to say so. This bint never fooled me for a second. From the moment she “burst” onto the scene my prog-dar was making funny noises.

Watch this idiot get just about everything she says wrong regarding Muslim refugee importation, and then giggle and smirk when corrected.

ht/ jerry manderin

35 Comments on S.E. Cupp – Absolute Moron

  1. Sippy Cupp straight out lies, all the time. Why does she think our Constitution provides rights to people who ARE NOT HERE? If the world loves our Constitution so damn much, let them get their OWN and keep their asses in their own berg.

    And I can’t stand her high school mannerisms. Bitch, you’re not a valley girl and this isn’t 1980.

  2. Your magic “smart” glasses failed you again.

    Following the lead of Fur and a number of others here “its not who we are” is an instant indicator of an asinine comment about to follow.

    We indeed may be a nation that enables it’s self destruction and I don’t give a shit who we “are” because at least 50% of the nation are parasites.

    I am a “its not who we were” kind of guy myself because the shithole just keeps getting bigger and half the nation keeps digging.

  3. Notice how progressives and liberals and humanists etc..spend more energy trying to give the rights guaranteed in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to those who either spit on them or who are not even governed by them, rather then the US citizens??

  4. You said:

    “From the moment she “burst” onto the scene”

    You meant “bust” right?

    That’s all she has going for her. And I’ve often wondered if “Cupp” was her real name or a subconscious way to make you look to see her cupp size.

    She does have some nicen’s though.

  5. Yea I heard this on Glenn beck this morning. What an idiot. She never even TRIES to make a cogent point. Just huffs and puffs about how “it’s wrong” and that’s “not who we are”. Still waiting for someone to explain to me why we aren’t allowed to regulate immigration into our own friggin country.

  6. I’m sure it’s been poll-tested before, or all the hive-mind lobes wouldn’t be puking it up simultaneously, but some prog needs to refocus-group that insipid “Itsnotwhoweare” chant. They might find they are contributing to the Trump phenomenon every time they tell us who we aren’t. On second thought, let them drone on.

  7. Who names their child S.E.?? That’s such a dumb name! Must be a family thing.

    It was horrible watching it with the sound muted, can’t imagine how nauseating it must have been with her talking. You are better people than I.

  8. She’s a doofus opportunist. First, she jumped on the conservative bandwagon when there was room, then she jumped to the liberal bandwagon because they easily corrupted her with her vanity. Now, she’s just a wandering idiot neither side has much use for.

  9. Those two didn’t even give Katrina a good warm up. Light weights.

    What is with the libtards that they think the US Constitution & Bill of Rights ( what I prefer to think of as the Bill of Government Restrictions) doesn’t apply to the US government nor to US citizens. But they think it does apply to everyone outside the country? Non citizens have no right to enter America. Legal or otherwise.

    I think it would have been better, if before promoting this idea, Trump would have presented some facts about the dangers from anyone coming into America from any and all countries that are a hotbed of jihadist activities or jihad/ caliphate sympathies. And just let the fact that they are Moslem be implied.
    However, saying it straight up is clear, short and direct, and the Trump haters will attack him for everything he says no matter how he says it.

  10. I’ve seen this video floating around and decided to watch. Good grief! Cupp epitomizes everything I hate about many women. First off, the mugging and face making, flapping hands (oh – how I hate flapping hands), bad makeup, and, wait for it, as a former optician – HER GLASSES ARE CROOKED. Sorry for shouting, but if you’re going to wear big ugly statement glasses, make sure they’re straight. Better yet, don’t wear them at all.

    The contrast with Katrina is astronomical.

    Do I need to get into how stupid her remarks were?

    I’m with you, BFH – I never, ever liked her.

  11. I used to like Cupp; especially as a 2nd Amendment supporter.
    She really wacked out after joining Commie News Network.
    . . . . It is really disappointing to watch her PROG-ress.

  12. Boycott any media outlet that gives this poor excuse for a human any air time.Seriously.These polorising talking tv heads need to be done away with in order for the world to better place.people like S e cupp should not be allowed on tv or radio.She is truly a disgusting person.And because she so disgusting and such a polorising person she gets so much airtime.They put her on to make us angry that is her purpose in life.

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