Sabo Street Art in ChinaVirus, CA – IOTW Report

Sabo Street Art in ChinaVirus, CA

Breitbart – Sabo put up his latest street art series in Venice Beach, Hollywood, and other high-traffic destinations around L.A. County. One poster shows Gov. Newsom as the Christian Bale character from the 2000 movie American Psycho, renamed “California Psycho.”

Another poster on Hollywood Boulevard near the Dolby Theatre depicts Newsom as a plastic-surgery enhanced monster named “Gruesom,” inspired by the horror movie Saw.

“They want us to all wear masks,” Sabo told Breitbart News. “How fitting, because they wear them all the time.”

Go HERE to finish reading and see the great posters.

13 Comments on Sabo Street Art in ChinaVirus, CA

  1. When you see ‘cases rising, or cases exploding’ you should know that all that means is that they are doing more testing. Because the virus is out there, and it’s out there widely. Anywhere they introduce testing, you’ll see large increases in cases.

    Which leads to second point. Any place that the scammers are pissed at for not locking down or unlocking “too early”, you can bet that Fauci and his crew of scammers are sending a disproportianate number of testing kits. Because if you test, you will find cases.

    If there was just a whistleblower in the whole cdc apparatus. But no. Whistleblowers know which side their bread is buttered on.

  2. They’re going down but are too arrogant to recognize it. The media has helped lead them to a trap.

    All leftist dickheads are “with Joe”.

    Obama and company are exposed as corrupt deep state treasonists.

    Not one leftist asshole has had the balls to tell the jug-eared mack daddy to shut the fuck up.

    And…what can the left say against the two-lb dumbbell, after making us suffer for 8 years of being called racists? Will they be the new racists?

    All these assholes are now exposed and vulnerable as not just corrupt, but moronic.

    Mitch, you’d better step up this week!

    Such bullshit all around!

  3. It’s going to be an interesting election here in California. Are the liberals here capable of learning anything? Or will they just not vote. Either way.

  4. LOVE that third art, “Invasion of the Snitchers”, (Invasion of the Body Snatchers, 1978, Donald Sutherland). Could be applied anywhere, not just Kalifornication. Wonder what that phone number leads to?

  5. “cdc Whistleblowers know which side their bread is buttered on”
    why would they kill their golden goose?

    nancy’s nephew must be talking quite a bit to his aunt to get his marching orders.

    great artwork !
    very effective in expressing the ideals !

    let’s hope the constrictions on free speech don’t get more restrictive.

  6. Imagine how long the blue states would stay closed if Pelosi could direct a third of her $3 trillion “relief” bill to them? Probably another 4 years at least.


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