Sacramento mayor wants to criminalize police shootings if the perp has an unloaded or imitation gun – IOTW Report

Sacramento mayor wants to criminalize police shootings if the perp has an unloaded or imitation gun


“What matters most now is what we do going forward together,” Steinberg said. “The current constitutional standard that dates back to, I believe, the 1800s says that if an officer-involved shooting is deemed reasonable after the fact, that it is then justifiable. I believe that that standard needs to be changed. I think the question must be, was the shooting preventable?”

The proposed change in law would allow officers to be prosecuted for shootings which could, in hindsight, be deemed unnecessary, such as shooting a suspect with an imitation or unloaded firearm.


25 Comments on Sacramento mayor wants to criminalize police shootings if the perp has an unloaded or imitation gun

  1. We should shut down the hallowed halls of Congress and reopen the insane asylums! When a politician gets elected to office they should be put into an insane asylum and given shock treatments until they are normal and can function properly, ethically, patriotically and constitutionally!

  2. “What matters most now is what we do going forward together …”

    When a politician starts with such monstrous dissimulation you can rest assured that what follows is utter and complete “used oats” (those filtered through a horse). “Matters most?” Indeed? To whom? “Going forward together?” Euphemism, much? Which direction is, exactly, “forward?” Where have we heard such arrant nonsense? “Forward? “Vorwarts!”
    Seems to be a continuing theme.

    Cops would do well to pack up and leave.
    They have targets on their backs.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The idea… the very idea… that the Party’s members should be held to a different Law than the proles is… just… well, I’m sure many will need to recover from their vapors, before we can continue.

  4. …OK, Mr. Mayor…no shooting people with unloaded or toy guns…you go check, then the police can react based on your personal inspection…you will henceforth be called to all potential shooter scenes to lend your expertise in these matters to ensure no more bad shootings by the police..go ahead, they’re waiting, check it and let them know…

  5. Alright! Monday morning quarterbacking brought to police work! Good luck getting ANYONE to serve on your force, Sacramento!

    Officer: “He pointed a gun at me.”
    Steinberg: “What kind of gun? A toy gun?”
    Officer: “No, a Glock 9mm.”
    Steinberg: “But was it loaded?”
    Officer: “How the hell should I know?”
    Steinberg: “Did he shoot at you?”
    Officer: “I didn’t give him the chance.”
    Steinberg: “So he didn’t shoot at you? You can’t be sure the gun was loaded? Or even functional? But you shot him? Guilty.”

  6. One of the unintended consequences would be the police would refuse to engage or show up, at least until the lead is flying. What’s next, no shooting that might kill?
    How many innocent would have to die before this became obviously a bad plan?

  7. And an idiot like this mayor thinks I will give up MY guns. Ever.

    HR at the Sacramento PD was inundated today by inquiries about officer’s pensions and by requests for references for prospective out of state employers.

  8. Since Sacramento is a “sanctuary” city, I’m for this new idea. Police will not stop the criminals shooting, raping, stabbing the populace that voted for all this.

  9. Hey, cops are already criminally liable if they shoot anyone who is black. Even if the criminal has a real gun, loaded and shooting. This law might be an improvement.

  10. I know a lot of Sac County Sheriffs. Everyone of them has retired early within the last 6 months. If Stienberg gets this pushed though he won’t have a Sheriffs Department

  11. This Free Range Wack Job use to be California Senate Pro Tem until he termed out. Then he decided to just focus on fucking up Sacramento.
    This is all in reaction to Sac County DA announcing she would not prosecute the two cops that killed Stephon Clark. Turns out it was suicide by cop. The up coming riots are on a slow burn.

  12. You might not believe it, but leftist believe that police officers are supermen and super women. Just look how the good mayor of Sacratomato expects officers know if it is a toy or unloaded gun.

    My brother was on a state police agency. One night, after dark, he saw a car make an illegal u-turn through the median about 200 yards ahead. He pulled the car over. The driver, who was black, said that he was pulled over because of racial profiling. (My brother said, “No, you were pulled over for making an illegal u-turn through the median.”) This guy actually believed that my brother could tell he was black when he was sitting on the other side of the car, he was 200 yards away, and it was dark.

  13. Just like the punchline to the joke about the pope’s stand on birth control – If he no playa the game, he no maka da rules!
    Excellent suggestion to have the Mayor and DA the first responders to all shooing calls. Somehow, I think their attitudes would change, if they lived long enough.

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