Sacrificing Our Institutions For Self-Promotion – IOTW Report

Sacrificing Our Institutions For Self-Promotion

If ever there was an example of individuals abusing their institutions in order to raise their public persona , it has been the spectacle of the impeachment hearings this week.

One the one hand you have the impeachment managers repeating the same tired accusations day after day with the occasional out of context quotation, distortion and out  right fabrication thrown in to keep attention focused on themselves exclusively. On the other side are the undecided senators who hem and haw their way into driving the day’s headlines about them.

We’re seeing too much of this self over institution in our social media driven society and it’s undermining our ability to govern ourselves. Here

6 Comments on Sacrificing Our Institutions For Self-Promotion

  1. Schiff for brains will not be able to control his urge to fondle roo’s rocks. Roo’s gonna bop Schiff for brains with a gavel. New York Times going to claim vengeful President Trump running loose in a kangaroo costume.

  2. Mr. Thomas, which corrupt institution do you value and wish to defend and save? And why do you assume that the self-promoters aren’t thoroughly institutionalized by those institutions and aren’t simply a product of that institutionalization?

    I direct your attention to Calculated Chaos: Institutional Threats to Peace and Human Survival by Butler Shaffer. This book used to be available from the Mises Institute but is now out of print, alas. It’s worth searching for.

  3. “it’s undermining our ability to govern ourselves.”

    now that’s funny right there!

    we don’t govern ourselves anymore and haven’t for quite some time.
    we elect professionals to do that for us

    then complain about their performance but we never fire them

    we finally elect a non professional and look at how well we are actually doing

    electing professional politicians is sign of laziness of the voters

    we need more trumps not more schiffts

  4. The point is, and has been since about the Civil War (or War Between the States), to de-legitimize the Constitutional Order. If the forces of disintegration can convince enough people to jettison the Constitution, they (totalitarians) can use their extraordinarily broad base (Federal Agencies, Demonrats, media, and academia) to demand that there exists a “Constitutional Crisis” and that a Constitutional Convention must needs be called – in order to correct the damages done to the Constitution by they, themselves.

    How many times did the totalitarians proclaim their quixotic quest to “support and defend” the Constitution while violating it?
    We saw the nationalization of health care pass Constitutional muster as a tax, that it, most clearly, wasn’t.
    We’ve seen the Corp of Engineers take over America’s waterways (however small) without the least resistance from the Supremes.
    Americans are routinely denied “due process” and penalized, incarcerated, or killed.
    States routinely and consistently violate the Bill of Rights with impunity.
    “Hate” crimes, which are actually “thought” crimes, are accepted in courts all the way to the Supremes.

    They are NOT “sacrificing” our institutions – they are subverting and sabotaging our institutions with malice aforethought.

    izlamo delenda est …


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