Sad Joe and the no good, very bad presidency – IOTW Report

Sad Joe and the no good, very bad presidency

Patriot Retort:

On Sunday, Politico published a report that describes a White House in disarray with morale plummeting and old Sad Joe finally waking up to his no good, very bad presidency.

But since it’s a Democrat-leaning outlet, Politico goes out of its way to absolve this White House of any blame for the disarray it caused. You see, Sad Joe is just a helpless victim of circumstances that his team of bumbling halfwits is powerless to do anything about. more here

6 Comments on Sad Joe and the no good, very bad presidency

  1. “Politico published a report that describes a White House in disarray with morale plummeting and old Sad Joe finally waking up to his no good, very bad presidency.”

    Total BS.
    They hate us. They rule us. They’re living their dream.
    Hold them accountable for all the harm they’ve done, via deceit, greed and narcissistic selfishness, truly accountable, then you’d see some sad, but only for themselves.

  2. If Joe’s looking for sympathy, tell him to look in the dictionary between shit and syphillis. And that ought to tell him what it’s worth as well.

  3. “…..Sad Joe finally waking up to his no good, very bad presidency.” Horseshit! It’s part of the plan to make it appear that NOW he’s a moderate and all this time it was his cage cleaners that were the bumblers.

  4. It is possible Biden thought he’d be praised for the bullshit moves he’s made, living in the northeastern communist bubble as he does. After all he’s not orange man bad! A consideration regarding his reception within the national and world political community is his longevity in politics. Everyone has had a chance to take his measure. It isn’t likely he is considered either effective or energetic, not to mention honest or intelligent. Of course his ‘presidency’ would be a disaster, the lights are flickering and there’s no one home.

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