Sally Field As Bright As Her Son Forrest Gump – IOTW Report

Sally Field As Bright As Her Son Forrest Gump

What an imbecile, and she’s getting applause from the sows in the audience, too.

She thinks we live in a democracy (as it would pertain to Trump’s election.)

Hillary losing despite winning the popular vote is some sort of stolen election in her eyes.

“The people aren’t getting the representation they voted for.”

ht/ mel

35 Comments on Sally Field As Bright As Her Son Forrest Gump

  1. it is a requirement in the entertainment industry to be stupid leftists. I think it has to do with the fact that these asshats never work a day in their lives actually producing something useful.

  2. What was the title of that book?
    “Shut Up And Sing”

    You and others of your ilk are rich because we pay you to entertain us. Nothing more. The fame is all within your own head, and the empty skulls of your simpering sycophants.
    Not saying you don’t have first Amendment rights. We just don’t want to listen to your ignorance.
    So, hit your mark, emote your lines, then get off camera. The end.

  3. Did she just say there’s no evidence that Trump has the capability to do the things he campaigned on? Was there evidence that Barack Obama had the capability to deliver on what he campaigned on?

    Oh that’s right. He didn’t campaign on issues. It was all hollow twaddle and unicorns.

    Of the few issues he did campaign on he screwed them all up.

    Obamacare? Massive failure
    Close Gitmo? Still open for business and those he did release returned to the battlefield
    Seas levels?

    You know what? Cataloging his failures would require a 50 page essay. So I’ll just stop. Y’all know already.

  4. I’d explain a constitutional/representative republic to her, but it would be a waste of time. Just as it is with every uneducated liberal that missed the year they were taught American & Constitutional history in school (when they used to teach such things in truth).


    “I don’t know how they can call this a Democracy” when the didn’t elect my candidate. STOOOPID bitch. After watching this I’m going home and burning my last VCR copy of Hooper.

  6. Thankfully, all of these stupid people live in California, and all of their votes couldn’t elect Hillary Clinton to be the President of our country. This is a wonderful moment in American history. It shows us how brilliant the Founding Fathers of this country were when they created the Electoral College. Now, if we can just end birthright citizenship, we might be able to restore our country to the Republic it was designed to be by the men who somehow anticipated stupid people like Sally Fields and Chelsea Handler when they wrote our Constitution.

  7. “They like me! They really like me!”

    So, since she’s such a likable dolt, she must mouth the stupid platitudes.

    Take away the illegal votes and calm the fuck down – Mr. Trump STILL wins!

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Entertainment is s thing of the past….she and bruce sprinsteen belong together. Comedians who break out in 4 letter words with political jokes should be booed off stage

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