Salon Mocks Trump and Hannity About A Potential Hillary Prosecution – IOTW Report

Salon Mocks Trump and Hannity About A Potential Hillary Prosecution

Trump made it clear that if wins the presidency he will prosecute Hillary.

During the discussion he said that Hillary “seems guilty.” This is the part that Scott Eric Kaufman mocked in yuge fonts. Is he wrong?

Donald Trump declares that, should he win, he will prosecute Hillary Clinton because “she seems guilty”

Sean Hannity did not, of course, correct the Donald as to the legal standards for prosecution

“Seems guilty” is pretty much the standard for proceeding towards prosecution, said in a pedestrian way, no?

Isn’t that why we have trials, to see if the prosecution can convince a jury that a person who they say “seems guilty” is actually guilty beyond a reasonable doubt?

If Oswald had lived he’d go on trial for assassinating Kennedy because “he seemed guilty.” To this day there are 2 camps that say otherwise – one saying he’s guilty, the other saying not guilty.

I’m not sure what Hannity was supposed to say to Trump in order to correct him.

Anyone? I’d like to learn.


But beyond all that, how about that Trump saying he will prosecute Hillary?

I’d like someone to ask Cruz if he will prosecute Hillary. I’d like to hear his answer.



37 Comments on Salon Mocks Trump and Hannity About A Potential Hillary Prosecution

  1. I am a drinker, not a lawyer, but I think Trump is right!

    “for the grand jury to issue an indictment, it only has to believe that the defendant probably committed the crime”

    “probably committed the crime” = “seems guilty”


  2. The standard for prosecuting someone is called probable cause, and there needs to be evidence sufficient to bring a defendant to trial. Sometimes prosecutors go before a grand jury and the grand jury determines if there is probable cause to make someone answer at a trial, although on most occasions this is done in a preliminary hearing where a judge makes this determination. Usually prosecutors do not present all of their evidence at a preliminary hearing – just enough to convince the judge to order the defendant to trial.

    Basically, probable cause is a “seems guilty” standard backed up by some evidence. It’s a little different than probable cause for an arrest, but the principle is the same – is there enough evidence to try the person for a crime?

  3. Trump has been talking for months on the stump about “looking into” ALL of these people and, by extension, their minions. Will it be his first order of business? I don’t think so, but who knows? If it comes up in the first months of his term, I imagine it will be something he sends a few talented people out to figure it out and report back, but not something he would put front and center. I think it would put a big psychological damper on getting some of his main campaign promises on their feet. We all know how corrupt they are, but do we want to hear news from the select committees and special prosecutors every day in 2016 or news about deported Syrian refugees and the end of sanctuary cities?

  4. Ask Trump a question, and you’ll get an answer. Not everyone is going to like or agree with that answer, but it will still be a definite answer.
    Cruz has the ability to respond to a direct question with ten minutes of rhetoric without actually saying anything at all, that’s what makes him a world class politician.

    I am sick to death of world class politicians…

  5. She doesn’t “seem” guilty – she has ADMITTED guilt.

    She admitted that the personal server was hers.
    She admitted sending and receiving State Dept. communications through it.


  6. Cruz will change his tune soon I predict, being the world class politician that he is.

    Asked by Hugh Hewit and Crowder he gave the same answer…”. And yet,…. and you ask the question will Hillary Clinton be indicted, inevitably the answer is well, it depends on what the Obama White House wants. If they decide they want it…”

    A long winded non answer meant to show Obama as corrupt. Now that Trump has answered it in the positive from a strong presidential standpoint, Cruz will follow.

  7. Sounds like you all are casting Hillary as Trotsky and Trump as Stalin.
    Putting the previous administration on trail is a hallmark of progressive governments.
    Trump is not ignorant of history, he knows what he is saying.
    Are any of you listening?

  8. JohnS, yes Trump knows exacly what he is saying and its great stategy.

    He never said he would prosecute her, the headines are taking liberties. He said he would look into it, statute of limitations are not up, others have been prosecuted for less, we all know what she did and she is being protected.

    The issue will haunt Hillary as long as Trump has any say in the matter during this election cycle.

  9. Stalin had Trotsky killed for “having escaped Siberia” not for committing felonies while Secretary of State – having an Ambassador murdered – peddling influence to foreign governments (treason) – aiding and abetting ISIS, a group who is at war with us (treason) – enriching herself at the taxpayer’s expense (Uranium mining rights sold to foreign gov’ts) – compromising the State Dept’s security by employing a personal server which conducted classified data – &c.

    REAL crimes vs fantasy crimes.

    Stalin’s “show trials” were theaters of the absurd, as even the participants were aware, but unable to influence.

    HRC is CLEARLY and UNEQUIVOCALLY a criminal, a criminal conspirator, a socialist, a traitor, a thief, and a liar.

    That she is being protected by the Obola administration is unsurprising, inasmuch as her indictment would bring him into the prosecution’s focus. This will not be allowed.
    She will die first or suffer some medical infirmity. Obola cannot afford the risk to his legacy, his agenda, or his vanity.

  10. Tim;
    We have a long history of NOT specifically prosecuting the previous administration precisely because it is what is done by repressive regimes.
    The downside to that is obvious, and the result is that criminals have gotten away.
    That is a small price to pay to avoid what happens in the leftist systems that employ it.
    Soetoro believes Bush committed treason. Should he have Bush hanged?
    Be VERY careful of what you wish for.
    You just might receive it.

  11. You all realize, don’t you, that Trump is currently being charged with fraud and will, in a few short months, be forced off the campaign trail for required court appearances and testimony in San Diego?
    This has been ongoing for several years.
    Trump ‘appears guilty’ in this case.
    So far Hillary has shown a bit of class by not beating Trump over the head with this.

  12. JohnS,
    I don’t wish anything on her, except she live under the same laws and regulations as the rest of us.
    If no one is above the law, then NO ONE can be above the law – that includes slimy lawyers, politicians, LEOs, Judges, &c.

  13. Fish, It’s a civil case with a bunch of idiots trying to cash in. It’s a joke. Funny how when you bring up pending law suites against Cruz it’s no big deal. Freaking unreal.

  14. Well fish, it was well covered by the news media several years back when the charges were filed.
    Yes, he likely is guilty due to wanton negligence rather than directly defrauding the people buying his ‘get rich in real estate’ classes.
    If he goes to court asking that the trial be put off until after the election (he created the years long delays, otherwise it would have been over long before now) you will learn how he really feels about using politics to get away.

  15. BB; Are you aware of the Mexico condo deal that was happening around the same time?
    He is protected on that one because it happened outside the US. A lot of people lost just about all their money on that one.
    If you root around in his closet a bit you will find a pattern of this kind of thing.
    The main stream media is in the tank for the guy, so all this stuff is off the table. Except for the occasional item leaking out of Fox.

  16. “The main stream media is in the tank for the guy”

    Wow, we live in alternate universes. These discussions are a waste of time with no substantiated arguments. Hell The Scoop is now deleting any negative comments about Cruz. I was just there, I shit you not. I’m done. Enjoy the returns.

  17. BB
    There are many sites that delete negative comments about Trump.
    Some of them I used to hang around on.
    Did you see my link the other day with open mike proof that Trump was coordinating questions in advance with a left wing media outlet? IIRC it was MSNBC.
    MSNBC, CNN,….. all give Trump millions of dollars of free publicity and the negative stuff they do produce is mostly limited to feigned outrage over some comment rather than his character like they do guys they don’t like.
    You don’t see it because you are buying the notion that Trump is pulling their strings and they are too dumb to notice even though he says it is so all the time.

  18. Oh no, I see it. It’s fing brilliant. Another reason I’m voting for him. He’s playing 3 d chess and everyone else is playing checkers.

    You obviously hate the guy and that’s fine. I hate Cruz. So here’s and idea for you.


    but nobodies opinion is getting changed here.

  19. I don’t hate Trump.
    You know that, I say negative things about all of them.
    And yes, lefties are a bit short upstairs.
    I just don’t believe that they are quite dumb enough to be played by a guy that is making a living off of bragging that he is playing them.
    They have always done that for people they support, how is this an exception?

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