‘Salon’ Suddenly Upset That People Are Using Kids In Gun Control Debates – IOTW Report

‘Salon’ Suddenly Upset That People Are Using Kids In Gun Control Debates

Dangerous: 15-year-old Rex Jones, son of InfoWars founder Alex Jones, challenged anti-gun activist David Hogg to a debate and Salon is absolutely aghast.

Miffed and horrified writer Nicole Karlis took the opportunity to call it a “desperate attempt” to have Alex Jones’s son do “his dirty work for him,” also suggesting Rex had been “brainwashed,” for wanting to challenge Hogg, a high school senior.

After more than a month of anti-gun students receiving a huge platform such as town hall discussions on CNN, and sympathetic interviews on many outlets including Salon, the challenge by an opposing savvy teenager has Salon screaming “exploitation.”

The far-left website remarked:

“There is something particularly shocking in seeing a father exploiting a fifteen-year-old son in a ploy to stir up drama and views. Moreover, using a teenager as a political weapon only furthers the tendency for rhetorical attacks and cyberbullying of both the Parkland kids and Jones’ child.”

Salon has praised the idea of putting the children of Stoneman Douglas High School in gun debates recently, saying in one article:

“…Gonzalez and her fellow students could not simply be ignored or waited out. They were far too angry, articulate and savvy for that,” referring to Parkland’s other famous teenage gun grabber, Emma Gonzalez.

Salon has gone on record supporting the school walkout protesters, repeatedly showcasing “Students as young as 12” as wise and sympathetic gun policy experts who deserve to be heard. Clearly, there is not a consensus on gun laws, even among the children at Parkland who are upset that opposing viewpoints have been pushed aside.

And Rex Jones has come out swinging. 

13 Comments on ‘Salon’ Suddenly Upset That People Are Using Kids In Gun Control Debates

  1. “Father exploiting alleged teenage son” you mean like David Hogg’s FBI linked dad? David Hogg is a physical misfit who has likely reached his full wimpy male body form, being 20 or over. He has been described as a “shrimp,” but that is not a valid comparison. David Hogg has the despicable properties of a poisonous, slimy garden slug that oozes along leaking a trail of vileness wherever he has been.

    TEEN who swallowed a slug for a dare was left as a quadriplegic after developing a deadly disease.
    . . . was found to have been infected with rat lungworm.
    The parasite can cause brain infections in rare cases.

  2. I said many times, we have to stop chasing the left wing extremist media and responding to them. We set the narrative now, not them. They should be mostly ignored, and always mocked, never legitimized. They are FAKE NEWS. Trump laid that framework on purpose.

  3. Totally with you @Mike Brown.

    Totally with you.

    Arguing with idiots gets you nowhere and the longer the argument goes on the line blurs between who is who.

  4. Bob M, I am hearing a lot in the last few days about Hogg the 22/27yr old/Crisis Actor/ from California. I thought that all got debunked weeks ago (yearbook pics photoshopped, etc.) and, unlike Obama at Columbia, there are students at Patkland who actually know him and go to class with him. Is there some new evidence that Hogg is not who he says he is?


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