I was just reading about how many refugees were settled in Salt Lake City, wondering how well it was going to go.

Aftermath: Police stop a different boy as he walks away from a crowd that formed around the scene of a shooting, where an officer allegedly gunned down a 16-year-old boy in Salt Lake City on Saturday night.
- Police approached a teenage boy and a man who were arguing in the street in downtown Salt Lake City, Utah, on Saturday night
- They asked the boy to drop what he was holding – part of a broomstick
- When he did not, ‘shots were fired’. He was hit in the chest and stomach
- The shooting sparked calamity in the streets all night, trams were shut down in the area, and 100 police officers dispatched to contain the uproar
The boy’s friend Selam Mohammed, who stood next to him at the time, claims the officers onlygave the boy one chance to drop the broomstick in his hand.
‘The police said “drop it” once, then they shot him four times,’ Mohammed told Fox News.
‘We were trying to break it up before the police even came, but the police ran in on foot and pulled their guns out already, they already had them, like, as soon as he was running he was already grabbing for his gun, not even trying to Tase him or anything…
‘He said “drop it” [then] boom boom! Four times.’
Here we go. Time for the “muslime lives matter” criminals to start burning down the neighborhood.
“When broomsticks are outlawed, only witches will have broomsticks.”
Lookin’ at you, Hillary…
Only thing was, it was Hillary’s limo.
learn how to defend against pointed sticks….
When you’re walking home tonight and some homicidal maniac comes after you with a bunch of loganberries, don’t come crying to me!
Hit him with a Taylor Pork Roll or a Honeybake Ham instead.
A police officer was shot and killed on her first shift after being sworn in.
Maybe she hesitated to give the suspect a second chance to drop the weapon….
I would have dropped the broomstick.
Why didn’t the cops shoot both of em?
That the cops only shot the guy who wouldn’t drop the weapon, not the other one – is the pertinent point the shit-stirrers seem to be avoiding.
How the hell did Salt Lake City, bastion of conservative Mormonism, even give the ok to resettling these animals in their city?
I read last night that during a KKK march that someone got tabbed with a flag pole end. I bet that kid wished he was drinking camel piss instead of being dead.
I’ve got to give the police credit here for showing restraint and conserving precious ammunition.
Watch for an LDS/Muslim “dialogue” to begin shortly, if it hasn’t already.
A little back round here, Slc is a liberal haven, and they allowed over 1000 of these shit stains to come here. All the news reporting is from the Tribune, a liberal rag, so take anything from it with a grain of salt. I don’t know why they didn’t shoot all of the rag heads down town
It wasn’t a broomstick.
It was a clock.
Attacking someone with a broomstick is felony assault. If a felony was in process, the cops have every right to shoot, weapon or not.
Why would anyone (other a liberal) believe anything a moslem friend of the weapon-wielding moslem tells you?
One less welfare guzzling, gang raping jihadi wanna ‘be.
“Two boys ‘arguing’ with a man” = Two raghead nignogs menacing a white man, most likely to rob him and put him in a coma they way all the piece of shit, sociopathic negroes are encouraged to do by their local “community organizers.”
#WalkingWhileMuzlom , then??
Is it:
Moose Limb
Inbred Goat Sodomizer?
(not sodomizing inbred goats….)
(that would be silly.)
It’s Moslem…and he fancied himself Frosty the Snowman…
“Down to the village, with a broomstick in his hand,
Running here and there, all around the square,
sayin’, “Catch me if you can.”
He led them down the streets of town, right to the traffic cop;
who shot him the stomach when ignored the order to STOP.”
Clearly, it’s just to dangerous for these poor refugees in this racist country; for their own good, we must send them back immediately!
I’ll wait to hear the rest of the story before making my judgement. Whatever liberal rag is reporting this probably left out some details – like the kid yelling “This is a pipe bomb! allah Akbar!”
You and Amado Diallo, kid.
If the cops tell you to stand your head and spit wooden nickels, DO IT, dumbass.