Salvagers Wanting To Raise Titanic’s Radio Set Stir Controversy They Might Disturb Human Remains – IOTW Report

Salvagers Wanting To Raise Titanic’s Radio Set Stir Controversy They Might Disturb Human Remains


People have been diving to the Titanic’s wreck for 35 years. No one has found human remains, according to the company that owns the salvage rights.

But the company’s plan to retrieve the ship’s iconic radio equipment has sparked a debate: Could the world’s most famous shipwreck still hold remains of passengers and crew who died a century ago?

Lawyers for the U.S. government have raised that question in an ongoing court battle to block the planned expedition. They cite archaeologists who say remains could still be there. And they say the company fails to consider the prospect in its dive plan. More

19 Comments on Salvagers Wanting To Raise Titanic’s Radio Set Stir Controversy They Might Disturb Human Remains

  1. …just think, if it hadn’t been wrecked, it would have just been sunk like the Brittanic in the war or scrapped like the Olympic because it was horribly outdated, and we would have never heard or cared about it.

    …IOW, it’s only romanticized about because it was a colossal failure, and demonstration that human arrogance and stupidity existed long before today.

    I prefer ships that DON’T sink, myself. And I don’t really need a pile of corrosion to know people always HAVE been, and ever SHALL be, stupid…

  2. jellybean
    OCTOBER 19, 2020 AT 1:48 PM

    “…the remains of dead bodies…..not so much, besides, it’s the soul that really matters.”

    …I don’t remember where I read it, but I remember someone once describing the human body as the envelope God sends his messages to the world in, and I kind of like that…worst thing I ever did was was to touch my father’s embalmed hand as his body lay in the casket, you really get what dead IS when you do that, and I really wish I hadn’t…I’ve seen and had to deal with dead people before, and trained with cadavers and never thought twice about it, but it’s another thing entirely to hold the hand that held you as a child and feel that the soul that animated it has definitively departed, leaving behind this drained husk of no real value that was propped up like a trophy by someone you’ll never know…but it does emphasize that this isn’t a person any more, its just a shell a person was in.

    There are legitimate uses for dead bodies. Medicine would end without them to train on, everyone needs to learn and it’s better to make your mistakes on a corpse.

    Funeral rites are also legit. The dead do not care, funerals are for the living, and each mounrs as God prompts them to get over it.

    But any other display, even photos, is just prurient and should not be done, or you end up with…this…

  3. Various societies have been “disturbing the dead” for time immemorial. Think the European graveyards never get full? How about “exploring” pyramids? Just do it…..I don’t want to hear about it, and definitely do not want to find it.


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