Salvini receives go-ahead to begin restricting migrant transport NGOs in Italy – IOTW Report

Salvini receives go-ahead to begin restricting migrant transport NGOs in Italy

Voice of Europe:

The Italian Council of Ministers – the principal executive organ of the Italian government – has authorized a new security degree drawn up by national populist interior minister Matteo Salvini that will restrict the activities of NGOs responsible for transporting illegal migrants into the country.

According to a report from Il Giornale, new provisions will grant the Italian government the authority to seize sea vessels from ‘civil society groups’ which breach government sanctions or that try to illegally enter Italy’s territorial waters with illegal migrants on-board.

One portion of the security decree will provide intelligence and police services with more freedom to use wiretaps and undercover operatives to fight illegal human trafficking into Italy.

Article One of the new security decree explicitly states that the Interior Minister now has the authority to “restrict or prohibit the entry, transit or parking of ships in the territorial sea, except in the case of military ships or ships in non-commercial government service, for reasons of public security and order.”

Apart from having their boats seized, captains who disregard the decree will face fines of 10,000 to 50,000 euros.

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4 Comments on Salvini receives go-ahead to begin restricting migrant transport NGOs in Italy

  1. It’s astounding that George Soros and his cohorts were able to come withing inches of destroying the western world before leaders were stirred awake. And the monster still stalks the earth uninhibited.


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