San Bernardino Terrorists Receive Traditional Islamic Burial – IOTW Report

San Bernardino Terrorists Receive Traditional Islamic Burial

 Radical Islamic terrorists Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik received a traditional Islamic burial Tuesday.

The U.S.-born Farook, 28, and his Pakistani-born accomplice wife Malik, 29, were buried Tuesday in a quiet, graveside funeral which followed traditional Islamic rituals (Salat al-Janazah) and was guarded by FBI agents, according to Reuters. The only Muslim cemetery that was willing to take the bodies of the terrorists who murdered 14 people and left 21 wounded during a December 2 holiday party is located several hours away from San Bernardino, where the attack took place. No one was willing to identify the cemetery where the terrorists are buried for fear of reprisal.

It was thought no one in the Muslim community would accept their bodies due to the nature of their crime. Read More


17 Comments on San Bernardino Terrorists Receive Traditional Islamic Burial

  1. So how does this couple rate a Islamic burial when we are lectured their murderous rampage had nothing to do with Islam? Why not just cremate them or donate their bodies to science like the non-believers they obviously are? Not understanding this need for a proper Islamic burial.

  2. They should not have been buried on American soil, committing a heinous crime like that. They had no mercy on anyone and will not find mercy where they are. Oh, that their eternity was not sealed like it is now.

  3. I hear that personal drones are a big item this Christmas season. And I hope that every islamic cemetery in southern California gets a heaping helping of drone-delivered pork and pig urine.

    Hope to see some videos on utube.

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