San Diego ER seeing up to 37 marijuana cases a day — mostly psychosis – IOTW Report

San Diego ER seeing up to 37 marijuana cases a day — mostly psychosis

NYP: Meg and Scott knew something was going on with their son Kyle when, during the pandemic, he began refusing to get out of bed to attend class online.

Up until then, Kyle had been like a dream son: tall, good-looking, strong, athletic, with a great sense of humor. He was such a good baseball player that talent scouts were checking him out, and had a decent chance of someday playing in the Major League.

“He had the world by the balls,” his dad said. (At the family’s request, The Post has used pseudonyms.)

Now, Kyle was constantly irritable and depressed and wanted to drop out of his New Jersey high school. Then, one night, he lost it completely, fantasizing that his parents wanted to kill him.  more

23 Comments on San Diego ER seeing up to 37 marijuana cases a day — mostly psychosis

  1. Of course this story is fake news, everybody knows that marijuana is 100% completely safe, with absolutely no side effects, and can cure everything from toenail fungus to brain cancer. It must be legalized because PEOPLE NEED THEIR MEDICINE! At least this is what the left has been telling us for the last 70 years, so it must be true.

  2. Not defending pot here, but I’ve smoke my shate over the years, but quit years ago, and I’m going out on a limb to say that whatever ails these people ain’t the pot. Pot is incidental, not the cause. And don’tvtru to tell me that The New Pot is way more powerful. It’s only pot. These people are messed up more from school, bad parenting, leftist propaganda and real hard drugs. Not saying pot helps, just that other, bigger problems dominate.

    Again, not defending pot, only giving perspective.

  3. 37 cases a day at the ER? Bull pucky. In the 4 or 5 hours it takes to actually get some medical attention their buzz has worn off and they’ve already left to go find something to eat.

  4. Thirdtwin, with all due respect I am telling you that the “new pot” is indeed WAY MORE POWERFUL than old school pot.
    FAR, FAR MORE POTENT and laced with all kinds of strains.
    I assumed everyone was aware of this proven fact?
    It really is inarguable.

  5. Tony R , I upvoted you because I detest the propaganda from the left as much as that from the right. I don’t want to see pot legalized and sold on every street corner, any more than I want it to be the scapegoat to avoid dealing with real problems created by other means. “Pot psychosis” is a squirrel to distract from fentanyl DEATH.

  6. LBS, I can attest to the increased potency I witnessed over the years. I know that even forty plus years ago, the paranoia and hallucinations were vivid, yet entrancing. But the music was better, and the sex was awesome.

    Yet when the time came to leave it behind, I closed the door and never looked back. There have been studies showing that people who quit have sleeping problems, but I didn’t. But I did get vivid, memorable dreams back.

    I don’t think there is any physical addiction to pot, only psychological, ritual addiction. But the people who can’t overcome these have other, bigger problems. Whatever increase in pot potency has occurred is incidental as farcas the bigger problems that these “psychosis” pot users face.

    Again, I am not defending pot by any strech of the imagination. I am only trying to keep the focus on the really devastating stuff. Pothead culture is not optimal, but fentanyl kills outright.

  7. Thirdtwin, I wasn’t trying to stir things up, it just bugs me when people scoff at pot.
    There is a reason it is classified as an hallucinogen.
    I also hate when people say “but you drink alcohol!”
    Alcohol is a lot of things but it is NOT an hallucinogen.

    PS, glad you are off the stuff.

  8. LocoBlancoSaltine:

    Alcohol is a lot of things but it is NOT an hallucinogen.

    I dunno about that. Many, many years ago I remember waking up badly hung over, being revolted by the appearance of my unexpected bed-mate, and thinking, “Hoo-boy, I must have been hallucinating.”

  9. Al, there is a reason the “walk of shame” exists…
    Been there, done that, rinsed & repeated, got the T-shirt!

    *Actually it was her shirt because I couldn’t determine what happened to mine.

  10. “Meg and Scott were sure their son was messed up on some hardcore drug. But when the institution ran a drug test, Kyle came up positive only for his prescribed Attention Deficit Disorder medication and for THC — that is, marijuana.”

    That ADD bullshit is another thing. It seems the first excuse hauled out on behalf of practically every worthless, lazy, good for nothing, lay about, spoiled rotten, entitled, offspring of the doctors, lawyers and Indian chiefs these days.

    I got into it with one of them the other day who was offering up excuses for the worthless bastard. Yea, I’ve seen it. Everything the son of a bitch gets his hands on is either lost or destroyed, but have you ever seen a single incident in which he didn’t know exactly where his pot and cigarettes are? No you haven’t, and I can tell you why. They are what he gives a shit about. They are the only things he gives a shit about. Nothing else matters to the worthless fucker, he doesn’t give a shit who he shits on or whose property he destroys, and you want to blame it on ADD. Well, you show me any incident of him losing his fucking cigarettes or not taking care that they are not trashed and I might be willing to concede that there is some chance he can’t be held responsible for his actions due to his “severe ADD.” Until then, just fuck the fuck off with it.

  11. A World-renowned economist once wrote that he had ADD which his grandmother cured with one visit behind the tool shed (or some close approximation).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  12. I agree with what Thirdtwin said above about weed. If they’re buying it off the street, no telling what it’s been laced with. If you purchase through a certified dispensary, you’re purchasing “safe” weed. I’ve seen worse in alcoholics than I have people smoking “legal” weed. What these kids are getting a hold of nowadays will kill them. Od’ing is an everyday occurrence – 2 last week here didn’t make it. One was intentional, he finally succeeded.


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