San Franciscans Overwhelming Vote to Remove Chesa Boudin – IOTW Report

San Franciscans Overwhelming Vote to Remove Chesa Boudin

Red State

The campaign to recall San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin was first considered a long shot. San Francisco had not recalled an elected official since 1983. But as crime, drug abuse, homelessness, and the soft-on-criminals policies of Boudin continued to unfold, and continued to have fallout, even the raving progressives and the champagne elite became fed up and decided it was time for him to go.

The organizers gathered an overwhelming number of signatures that were verified, and the recall was placed on the June 7, 2022 primary ballot. A little over an hour after the polls in California closed the results were called, giving the first major indicator that change in California is indeed happening.

San Franciscans voted overwhelmingly to recall Boudin. According to Fox News’ Bill Melugin, the first batch of votes were 61 percent YES on recall, and 38 percent NO. More

20 Comments on San Franciscans Overwhelming Vote to Remove Chesa Boudin

  1. @ Conservative Cowgirl JUNE 8, 2022 AT 10:23 AM

    I’ve been posting about the motivation of “progressives” for over a decade. Followers of the progressive movement are 100% invested in increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death. Everything else is subordinate to that.

    Don’t let this vote convince you that SF is only 38% infested with the dirty motherfuckers. People who are not of that mindset showed up specifically to vote the subhuman piece of shot out.

    The prog followers are demoralized, the prog masters know this and are concerned because between scrutiny of extralegal voting and their base drugging themselves unconscious in prog shitholes they are feeling the pain.

  2. It was my understanding that the petition to recall that succeeded came from the left. All six republicans in SanFranShithole apparently voted for the recall as well, so Cheesy Bodunkin can claim it’s a right wing conspiracy.

  3. You watch… LA and San Fransisco will exchange DAs –
    Gascon will go to San Fransisco and Boudin will go to LA

    Sort of a modern day “Strangers On A Train”
    You kill LA, I’ll kill San Fransisco…


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