San Francisco DA DROPS Charges Against Carjackers Accused of Crashing Vehicle Down Public Stairwell – IOTW Report

San Francisco DA DROPS Charges Against Carjackers Accused of Crashing Vehicle Down Public Stairwell

Info Wars: The pair are accused of holding up a motorist in a Lincoln sedan and hitting him with their skateboards in the Castro district of the city, near 19th and Dolores streets, on Saturday, and then robbing him of his car.

This ironically comes just a day after Jenkins assured citizens that she would hold criminals accountable. MORE

13 Comments on San Francisco DA DROPS Charges Against Carjackers Accused of Crashing Vehicle Down Public Stairwell

  1. It’s really too bad; judging from the crash video, they both should have had broken necks. Now that would have been Justice.

    Video evidence, and at least 1/2 dozen witnesses (including the owner of the car), and probably dna/fingerprint evidence, but just not enough for this useless DA to prosecute. SF needs an Equalizer.

  2. Anytime you want to stop talking about SF is good by me. That territory has long ago been ceded to drug addicts, psychopaths and mental defectives.
    It’s not newsworthy anymore.

  3. ^^^^ I respectfully disagree. It’s a social experiment gone wrong. They continue to fail. It should be pointed out hourly along with NYC, Baltimore, Chicago, etc etc. But the big city that’s going to really highlight how misguided their belief system is is Los Angeles. They just took a big step in the wrong direction. And peeps down there will not stand for it.

  4. I know Brad. It’s just tiresome to hear about that once beautiful city descend into a lawless hellhole. It could be reversible if the last remaining businesses and survivors finally said enough and did something about it.

    As for LA, my dad got us the hell out of that cesspool in 1969. RFK, Manson family and terrible riots was enough. What was that? 54 years ago? The unraveling had already begun.

  5. PHenry My wife’s parents both grew up in Oakland. In close proximity to Lake Merrit. Millionaires row. Pre WWII obviously. All white, mainly Irish Catholic. NOBODY SEEMS TO BE LEARNING FROM THESE FAILED SOCIAL EXPERIMENTS. I MEAN WTF? Or is what we have now the desired outcome. Because it doesn’t end here. It end with vigilante justice.


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