San Francisco Finds New Way to Spread Communicable Diseases – IOTW Report

San Francisco Finds New Way to Spread Communicable Diseases


Sonoma County officials issued a health advisory Wednesday after hundreds of people who competed in a Tough Mudder obstacle course at Sonoma Raceway last weekend reportedly developed rashes with boils, fevers and muscle pain, as well as other health issues including nausea and vomiting, less than 24 hours after the event.

The popular event requires participants to wriggle and clamber through mud and waist-deep muddy water; that exposure is how health officials suspect people may have gotten sick. 

“Most affected persons have pustular rash, fever, myalgias, and headache,” the Sonoma County health advisory read. “These symptoms could be indicative of a minor illness called Swimmers’ Itch, but they can also indicate a Staph infection or other more serious bacterial infection such as Aeromonas.” More

38 Comments on San Francisco Finds New Way to Spread Communicable Diseases

  1. A minor quibble but Sonoma County is not San Francisco, any more than Manhattan is Queens or Tampa is St. Petersburg.

    Whether this constitutes “fun”, it is about on par with those enthusiasts who do the Alcatraz Swim every year………… thanks.

  2. Parisites! Bring in the brain-eating zombies to finish them off before it spreads! This situation will get out of control! It will get out of control and we’ll be lucky to liver through it! 😨😱🤯

  3. That’s been the problem all along, you’re perception of right is far removed from mine. Your perception is a 93% voter turn out in 2020 seems reasonable. You do some good drugs.

  4. “Your perception is a 93% voter turn out in 2020 seems reasonable”

    Except that is not what I said, that old brain reset at midnight thingee, gets you every time.

  5. And your comment wasn’t abrasive at all was it. I won’t try again. Been a long day. And really don’t feel like being called a dick from some one that wouldn’t have the courage to do it to my face. I’m out. PS, the election WAS stolen.

  6. @ Rich…this is what you typed at me about my JessiLoco comments….” don’t read them if you don’t like them”…..Take a big ol’ chunk of your own advice….chew it slowly…

    Is Joe Biden the legitimate elected President of the USA?….Was the 2020 Presidential election rigged and or stolen?….

  7. willy

    He’s on record saying 93% TURNOUT FOR THE 2020 ELECTION IS REASONABLE. Cause Trumps polarizing. Unless Rich has left something out of his freely shared resume, hes only worked for state sponsored bureaucracies. He trusts the government. And in my mind, that’s an issue. I’m not looking for a fight here tonight. But I don’t like being insulted either.

  8. @willy’s

    Here’s the difference; all week you were suffering IBS over Loco’s comments that weren’t even directed at you, quoting his comments with a “schmuck” at the end, even adding,”I don’t like him”.

    I read Brad’s comments because I agree with a lot of them and have never said,I don’t like him”. What I don’t like is him attacking me without provocation.

    There is a pattern here, you go looking for a fight with Loco and Brad is looking for a fight with me. And they are all so unnecessary.

  9. “But I don’t like being insulted either.”

    You are right, we had an agreement, no insults, I apologize and will try to do better. But your unprovoked shot above did warrant some kind of reaction.

  10. @ Rich….Nice….You conflagerated about almost four days of my comments, over a week or better on what JessiLoco commented on….Your reaching schmuuck status….I’m done if I can’t be Weezie in this Jeffersonian conflict….

  11. @ Rich….I need some necked pictures of Jessica Turlock….Jessica Tarlov, not so much….Ok, you’ve only earned the shmu out of the finished word…try harder….

  12. I remember 25 years ago getting a warm, fresh loaf of sourdough from Boudins at Pier 39, sitting at the curb & munching. Amazing.
    No way I’d sit on that curb today, let alone eat.


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