San Francisco Gets Fitting New Moniker – IOTW Report

San Francisco Gets Fitting New Moniker


San Francisco has “descended into a city of chaos,” forcing businesses to close their doors as organized crime runs rampant.

Davis Smith, owner and CEO of outdoor outfitter Cotopaxi, wrote a goodbye letter to the city, explaining his decision to close their San Francisco location less than one year after opening.

“It’s sad, but San Francisco appears to have descended into a city of chaos,” Smith said in a message posted on LinkedIn. “Many streets and parks are overrun with drugs, criminals, and homelessness, and local leadership and law enforcement enable it through inaction.” More

21 Comments on San Francisco Gets Fitting New Moniker

  1. Any business owner or former resident that has waited this long to leave that shit hole you do not want moving into your state or community. I can tell you right now how they will vote.

  2. The general response from those not living in California is,”Well, what do you expect from a blue city run by leftist lunatics? They deserve what they get”. And if the business just started within the last few years then I would agree, the city is known for its anti-business high taxes surrender to the poop throwers ideology. But what I find sad is that restaurant, bookstore, bakery that had been family owned and operated for decades, what do they do?

    Every Sunday my local rag has another story about some of a mom-and-pop establishment, some over a hundred years old, passed down from generation to generation, that can’t exist the way they have in the past and pull the plug.

    People elect their leaders, and this is the anti-business environment that the voters bought off on, OK, we can all cheer for their demise but we should also have sympathy for those collaterals caught in the crossfire.

  3. A tsunami that wipes out the entire west coast, from Vancouver to Baja, 2 miles inland would alleviate so many problems. I picked 2 miles because that’s where I am, but I’m up high on a hill so I should be OK.

  4. Rich

    “People elect their leaders,”

    I don’t think my votes been counted for at least twenty years here in Cali. Look what just happened to the recall of Gascon. They didn’t even try and cover it up.Our votes won’t count until we do the counting.

  5. Best future for West Coast cities (choose all that apply):

    (1) Fire
    (2) A really big tsunami
    (3) 9.0 on the Richter scale
    (4) Let the Chinese buy them
    (5) Korean nukes
    (6) American nukes
    (7) Unknown nuke from orbit
    (8) COVID-23
    (9) Walls
    (10) Nothingness – that’s where they’re headed anyway

    (Hey, I worked hard to get it to 10!)

  6. Brad, we are the “disenfranchised”. But at least you live in a community of like-minded patriots who have a say in how things are run locally. I am a man in the wilderness, an island, who has not been on the winning side of any election or proposition since I moved up here.

    Voting and asking Paige Spiranc on a date, two things where I have zero chance of success.

  7. Rich,

    I am so tired of trying to help people who vote against their own self interest.
    The problem with compassion is that it leads to alms and alms lead to expectations which ultimately lead to lazyness and then complete societal weakness.

    This night, with a swollen left foot (work), I hobbled like a pirate to buy a bottle of Rye, and despite looking like a human Bag Of Shit 2 Assholes standing in front of the Government Liquor Store (LCBO) were pushing me to buy their Rap Music CD. Get cash back on the way out they suggested.

    They go from one LCBO to another (3 regularly) and wear much more expensive clothes than me.

    Where the fuck are they when I’m on a roof working in the shit while they are smoking weed & collecting welfare from the baby mamma?

    FUCK THEM. They were both younger, probably stronger, but have NO ABILITY TO WORK in a capacity that benefits society.

    Farmers, Trades, Tool & Die, Manufacturing. That’s what the world needs, NOT ANOTHER RETAIL STORE SELLING SHIT

    MOST People go hungry for a reason.

    Cheers. I guarantee you have seen a lot of shit, helped a lot of people, & earned your pension but you also paid a price for that relative comfort.

  8. Rich Taylor,

    No sarcasm or anger. Just trying to tell you not worry about those who don’t “lean in to it and get dirty”

    And also, I live in a Justine Turdeau Stronghold and cannot avoid his face, voice, or news.

  9. Rich/everyone. That super conservative RINO piece of shit AZ DA, Mark Brnovich, has urged the DOJ to investigate True The Vote. The for most election fraud peeps around. Right after they stated they are suspicious that raving libtard maniacs have infiltrated every local county election board in the United States. I think there’s a very high probability that they are right. Brnovich is another traitor. Hopefully Maricopa county has no shortage of rope.

  10. No worries, Kcir, you are a good bloke, and if it’s any consolation, you get more done on a Saturday bike ride, more sense of accomplishment than these losers will achieve in a lifetime.

    I’ve never worried about the inherent un-fairness of life or how some folks can get over, keeping my own shit in order and me focused on my purpose is all I can handle.

  11. @Rich Taylor October 20, 2022 at 9:04 pm

    > we can all cheer for their demise but we should also have sympathy for those collaterals caught in the crossfire

    No! “We” should not!

    Those that Just Follow Orders(TM), to get a piece of The Regime’s sumpin’ sumpin’, are, gleefully, following The Regimes’ orders.

    Stop lying. At least to yourself.

  12. @Dr. Hambone: The CEO business owner didn’t do his homework, that’s where he screwed up. I’m going to San Francisco in about 3 weeks. I thinking that I should rent a car, drive it to the airport then a taxi to where I need to be. I don’t want to drive my car other there and not have a drive-able car when we get back. It’s getting harder and harder to go on a vacation and not jump through hoops. Haven’t been anywhere since 2019, I’m going come hell or high water.


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