San Francisco Police Are Dressing Up in Chicken Costumes to ‘Fight’ Crime  – IOTW Report

San Francisco Police Are Dressing Up in Chicken Costumes to ‘Fight’ Crime 

GP- The nuttiest ideas in America tend to come from the People’s Republic of San Francisco, and this latest stunt ranks up there as the craziest.

The San Francisco Chronicle reported earlier this week that city police officers have started dressing up in inflatable chicken costumes to catch drivers breaking the law while driving. On Monday morning, San Francisco police Lt. Jonathan Ozol wore one of these inflatable costumes as he awkwardly tried to navigate a crosswalk on Alemany Boulevard.

The purpose of this stunt was to issue tickets to drivers who disobeyed state law by not yielding to pedestrians. The department reported that a good number of drivers failed to do so. more

17 Comments on San Francisco Police Are Dressing Up in Chicken Costumes to ‘Fight’ Crime 

  1. I expect to hear that a SF lawyer is defending a client by arguing that the traffic ordinance requires drivers to yield to pedestrians in a crosswalk, but not to poultry in a crosswalk.

  2. That is the most chicken shit (see what I did there?) form of entrapment I’ve seen in a long time.

    Technically, the chicken did not even enter the roadway, he set one foot in the bike lane.

    But this all makes perfect sense. Cops would prefer the low hanging fruit of stopping drivers for the accumulation of easy revenue, drivers who for the most part are responsible and law abiding. The rapists, car burglars, thieves, fentanyl sellers and roving gangs of marauders looking for victims, these folks might fight back, better just leave them alone.

  3. @beachmom — A ranting attention-demanding lunatic stands out in a crowd of normal people, but any particular ranting attention-demanding lunatic is camouflaged by joining a whole circus parade of ranting attention-demanding lunatics.

  4. Revisit Homie D Clown from In Living Color.

    Make a spectacle of myself? homie don’t think so.

    What is left on big Democrat City shithole police forces are the willing and compliant, the “vaccine” takers. The ones who were any good and could lateral the hell out have done so.

  5. Macklemore is now on my permanent shit list, he just yelled fuck America at a Seattle concert and praising Hamas. I am fucking pissed off right now, send the bastard over to Gaza and let the IDF kill this worthless POS. I couldn’t stand him before now he can just go to hell.


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