San Francisco Pretends “Twitter” Leaving is a Good Thing – IOTW Report

San Francisco Pretends “Twitter” Leaving is a Good Thing

Granite Grok:
It is no secret that Elon Musk is packing his California bags and moving to Texas. From parental rights infringements to taxes to drug users blocking the parking garage exit such that he can leave X in San Fran, he’s had it. Everyone to the exits.

Last month, Musk, who bought Twitter in 2022, announced on his social media platform he was making the move after Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA), a Democrat, signed a law banning schools from notifying parents if their child starts identifying as another gender than he or she was assigned to at birth. 

“This is the final straw,” Musk said. “Because of this law and the many others that preceded it, attacking both families and companies, SpaceX will now move its HQ from Hawthorne, California, to Starbase, Texas.” MORE HERE

9 Comments on San Francisco Pretends “Twitter” Leaving is a Good Thing

  1. Wow, being a California Corp I can’t imagine the dollar figure Space X and Twitter pay the state of California just in property tax, unsecured property tax, and sales tax. That’s not even considering their payroll taxes which are off the charts.
    Good Riddance is these Socialists standard reply anytime a major corp leaves California. And believe me, we’ve heard good riddance almost daily for a while. Very stupid people.

  2. The article said X (or Twitter) was in the Tenderloin district. The Tenderloin is notorious for drug abusers and has a reputation for violence; it’s not Musk’s job to clean up the city.

    Years ago I used to travel to San Francisco for business. I learned that during the day, Market Street was a place for tourists, but at night it was a dangerous place to be. I’ve had friends tell me that recently, Market Street isn’t a place for tourists even during the day.

  3. Wyatt

    Remember that old joke about SF? What do you do of you drop your wallet on Polk Street? Kick it to Market before you bend over to pick it up. Yea well, that joke no longer applies. LOL

  4. If they were dying of starvation in a FEMA camp, they’d rationalize it’s a good thing. These people are mentally ill and will take us off a cliff with them. We have to marginalize them until they age-out.


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