San Francisco smells like rotten eggs and nobody knows why – IOTW Report

San Francisco smells like rotten eggs and nobody knows why

AOL: A mysterious smell coursing through San Francisco, California is stinking up the city and annoying residents.

The odor of rotten eggs was first detected last Wednesday night.

Officials first investigated the nearby Chevron oil refinery and found that although there was an incident involving burning off excess gas, this was not the cause of the odor.

Investigators are still looking into wind and weather reports from when the smell began, as well as inspecting landfills, water treatment plants and ships.

The Pacific Gas and Electric Company has also ruled out a gas leak as the root of the smell and, although the situation literally stinks for residents of San Fran, it is not considered to be a health hazard.

27 Comments on San Francisco smells like rotten eggs and nobody knows why

  1. The wind does not blow from east to west in the San Francisco bay. The Chevron oil refinery is located east of San Francisco. The wind comes straight off the ocean either from the south or from the west (sometimes from the north) which is directly from the ocean. I know because we use sail the San Francisco bay. Maybe it’s the radiation coming from Fukishima nuclear power plant and has killed marine wild life off which is rotting. Dunno.

  2. Satan has been more successful than he expected, and didn’t plan enough space in Hell for San Francrisco’s damned. So now the local homeless population includes quite a few wait-listed dead people and they all reek of brimstone.

  3. ” While Sodom and Gomorrah were guilty of many other horrendous sins, homosexuality was the reason God poured fiery sulfur on the cities, completely destroying them and all of their inhabitants.

  4. Rotten eggs smell like they do because of the sulfur content, which is also Biblical “brimstone”. Therefore, one can only conclude that in San Francisco (apologies to St. Francis), a portal has opened to hell itself. Little wonder, considering the rampant Godlessness that consumes San Francisco, California and the whole Left Coast. Put another way, Satan has opened up a branch office, due to high demand.

  5. I remember in the 50’s and EARLY 60’s (pre-hippie dirt bags)San Francisco used to be a beautiful clean city. The last time I was there less than 20 years ago, the downtown shopping district smelled worse than any construction site porta-shiter I’ve ever had to use.

  6. I once worked in a chemical plant that made ethyl mercaptan. It’s the stuff that is injected into natural gas to make it smell bad so you’ll know it’s there. That’s about one part per million. At full strength, it’s enough to knock a buzzard off a gut wagon. I’ve seen people who entered the plant for the first time and puked up their guts when the smell hit their nose. That smell was my bread and butter so I had to learn to live with it until I went on to another job.

  7. I’m with Andy’s Dad. H2S is released sometimes
    prior to earthquakes. Goggle it, there are national
    tracking sites for left coast observations. Maybe
    kommiepornia will fall off the coast under Trump. 🙂

  8. God did not burn Sodom for its history of idolatry. Not for its widespread sodomy. Not even when all the men in town demanded anal sex with the angels. It was when they threatened Lot with the same that the fire fell.

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