San Francisco – Urine Trouble Now – IOTW Report

San Francisco – Urine Trouble Now

Welcome to progressive Utopia, where the light poles fall over due to urine corrosion. (And it’s not all dogs.)

HT/ Mary From Marin


12 Comments on San Francisco – Urine Trouble Now

  1. Most metal poles I come across are supported by the bolts screwed in at the base. Not exactly sure with this pole in particular, but my guess is some stainless bolts would solve the falling over problem. They didn’t think the salt water being all around SF would cause any issue?

  2. They could easily fix the problem with paint, or a plastic shield. (Or just shoot all the progressives in the head).

    I had to put a shield around my burn barrel because my big dog pees on it every day and that does cause the bottoms to rust out very quickly. The pee shield works great.

    But I don’t offer that idea to the city of sodomites. I’d rather see them reap that big earthquake. Aren’t they supposed to be drinking their own urine any way, under their recycling green faggot rules or something?

  3. The rule in San Francisco is this: personal responsibility and a decent respect for others must never be asked of anyone who might complain or have their feelings hurt.

    Thus, the city will spend oodles of dollars to accommodate those who live like animals (on the backs of those who actually, you know, have jobs), rather than expect those poor snowflakes to conform to the standards of a civil society.

    Personal anecdote: When Mrs. oaksmiles and I moved to San Francisco for work, we took a walk in Golden Gate Park. There we saw several people with thick gloves on doing clean up work. We asked them about their work and they told us they were cleaning up the free needles and syringes provided by the city government to users and addicts. These addicts would go to GG Park, shoot up, and then toss the needles wherever (the city has a reclamation program, but using it would require a modicum of responsibility – and we can’t have that!). So yeah, walk through Golden Gate Park, maybe step on a disease-infected needle. Go progressives!

  4. I’m not a big fan of liberals, but this doesn’t make any sense. This neighborhood is fairly upscale and I haven’t seen men peeing on light poles around there. If this was the Tenderloin, or Soma, it would be more believable. Most of the bums in SF don’t have a reason to climb this hill, let alone the wind to do it. Why climb a hill just to pee?

  5. Just like in all the songs

    Tony Bennet
    To be where urine-rusted bars
    Fall on unsuspecting cars
    The morning fog may fill the air
    I don’t care

    Scott Mckenzie
    If you’re going to San-Fran-cisco
    Be sure to piss on gentle lampposts there

    When the lights go down in the city
    And piss floats on the bay
    You know I wanna be there in my city

    HT – @iowahawkblog

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