Sanctuary by BFH – IOTW Report

Sanctuary by BFH

Many sites have fund drives (with the “target goal” and the big thermometer tracking the progress) to keep the site up and running. We’ve never done one of those. Some of you who know what we are always up against say that we should try it. I’m not comfortable with that.

I do have the gift button on the sidebar, and people utilize it from time to time, and we have the wonderful people who have made their gift a monthly one. They are the lifeblood of the site.

It’s the end of the year and it’s been a rough one.

I painted this this weekend. I guess it’s true about artists, that they often paint when struggling a bit. I didn’t set out to paint anything in particular. It painted itself.

This is called Sanctuary.

It’s 11×14, acrylic, on canvas.

If it interests anyone out there, you can make an offer. If it interests more than one of you, well, I will close comments tonight at 10pm et. Highest offer will have this painting and be helping us out.

Full disclosure. I painted others. More to come. I’ve been contemplative of late.

(Anyone waiting on a commission, please remind me in the comments. I am ready.)

37 Comments on Sanctuary by BFH

  1. This would make beautiful Christmas cards!!!
    I have so much artwork I don’t have enough walls. In fact just behind me leaning on the walls and bookcase I have 11 framed pieces.

    If you make card with this beautiful image I’ll buy a bunch.

  2. Fur,
    That gives me the idea of asking you to paint my church, it has a lovely gold onion dome. The building used to be a bank so that’s too bad, you can make the building sketchy, but it does have an Orthodox Byzantine cross on the side.

  3. Awesome! It’s kind of a coincidence that this came up, I was just about to make a donation, probably not $500.00, but this makes the donation more fun. I’m sorry to those that wanted it, but didn’t get it. It looks like a beautiful Christmas scene.

  4. Beautiful work BFH! I hope you make cards of this. As the new owner of the painting I relinquish any rights to future proceeds in the sale of cards or prints. I hope you sell a million of them.


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