Sanctuary State California – First Phase of Bullet Train Jumps to $11 Billion – IOTW Report

Sanctuary State California – First Phase of Bullet Train Jumps to $11 Billion

KFI: The cost of California’s bullet train continues to grow beyond initial estimates. According to a new study from a consulting firm that manages the project, the first phase of the 119-mile segment for California’s high speed rail line increased by 35 percent to nearly $11 billion dollars. That brings the total cost of the route from San Francisco to Los Angeles to around $67 billion.

That’s a cost-overrun of $2.8 billion just for the first 119 miles of track. Officials say they want the high speed train running between Los Angeles and San Francisco by 2029.

Roy Hill, who leads the consulting firm WSP, says costs increases can be blamed on higher than expected costs for land acquisition, issues relocating utility systems and building new safety barriers where the bullet train would operate. At a monthly rail authority meeting held regularly, Hill warned the board about the potential for the increased costs.

“The worst-case scenario has happened,” Hill told the group.  more

19 Comments on Sanctuary State California – First Phase of Bullet Train Jumps to $11 Billion

  1. $11 billion for 119 mile track for Liberal elites to commute between 2 sh*thole cities vs. $18 billion to secure 1,954 miles of our southern border with Mexico and stop illegal immigration, the incursion of foreign terrorist and drug cartels. Tough decision here.

  2. “They shouldn’t call it a bullet train anymore. Bullets kill people, women and children. The Bullet Train isn’t an appropriate name for this project.” – Andy McMuffin, some libtard who actually exists…probably….

  3. The punch line on the increase of $2.8 billion is that $2.5 of that is federal funds. In fact CA rushed to get contracts because they were about to lose the funds!

    I had a similar experience in late 1999 working for the city of Santa Monica. Santa Monica was the 2nd-hardest hit city in the Northridge quake, despite being 10+ miles from the epicenter Santa Monica’s base is largely sand. They had about $100 million in FEMA grants, mostly to rebuild the sewers. Which dated to the 1950’s meaning that it was a gift from the feds for something that needed rebuilding anyway. As of late 1999 Santa Monica had spent a few million of the FEMA grants, and FEMA was about to rescind it. Remember, the earthquake was in January 1994, nearly 6 years earlier. Santa Monica had to rush to spend it all. Of course they managed to do so, eventually.

  4. 🔥 BOSTON’S “BIG DIG” 🔥 project over-runs are legendary.

    They get you in on the low-ball number, then when it’s half-way finished, they zing you with the real costs because they know the public would rather have it finished than not finished.

  5. <BCost is $150 million per year to maintain a $28 billion border wall. What to you think the cost will be per year to maintain 119 miles of a $11 billion railway in California per year?

    Since it won’t have any train stock rolling over it, I’m going to say “not as much as you’d think.”

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