Sanders Actually Admits on Campaign Trail His Goal Is To Eliminate Billionaires – IOTW Report

Sanders Actually Admits on Campaign Trail His Goal Is To Eliminate Billionaires


The New York Times can barely control itself: Senator Bernie Sanders has proposed a plan to tax “the rich” into oblivion in order to fund “Medicare for all.” It goes without saying that our friends in the mainstream media love him for it.

With regards to the tax, the NYT’s Thomas Kaplan admits that it is “a steep tax on billionaires that could greatly diminish their fortunes… His wealth tax would apply to a larger number of households” than Senator Elizabeth Warren‘s plan and “impose a higher top rate and raise more money.”

“Let me be very clear: As president of the United States, I will reduce the outrageous and grotesque and immoral level of income and wealth inequality,” Bernie said in an interview about the plan. “What we are trying to do is demand and implement a policy which significantly reduces income and wealth inequality in America by telling the wealthiest families in this country they cannot have so much wealth.”

Next, Sanders actually admitted that it’s his goal to wipe out all billionaires — or at least their fortunes. “I don’t think that billionaires should exist,” he explained. “This proposal does not eliminate [them], but it eliminates a lot of the wealth that billionaires have, and I think that’s exactly what we should be doing.”

He added that he hopes “the day comes” when billionaires don’t exist in the United States. But, he added, “it’s not going to be tomorrow.”


14 Comments on Sanders Actually Admits on Campaign Trail His Goal Is To Eliminate Billionaires

  1. “it eliminates a lot of the wealth that billionaires have”

    Not only that, but it eliminates the incentive to create the goods and services they provide society– you know the things that made them billionaires in the first place.

    I mean, who really needs food, nice homes, electronic devices, cars, drugs and medical equipment, entertainment, clothes, ect. –All those evil things Capitalism has created over the last few centuries. Much better to live in a Marxist dictatorship where only the ruling class and enforcer class have nice things. Yup, the burned out hippie’s got my vote!

  2. God did not give me enough middle fingers for a proper response to Bernie’s proposal. Will someone please let this doddering old f*ck know that IT’S NOT HIS MONEY! He doesn’t get to say how much people are allowed to make or allowed to keep.

  3. This is a prime example of why we need to move to a consumption tax (national sales tax) instead of an income tax. It is nobody’s business how much money anyone else makes and a total invasion of privacy regarding how much information we are required to give the government every year.

  4. The single message coming from every democrat on the campaign trail is that they do not like personal freedom and plan to eliminate in one fashion or another. It is not the place of our federal government to rule us, yet that is exactly what all dems insist upon.


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