Sanders’ Fuzzy Math – IOTW Report

Sanders’ Fuzzy Math

Reader Andy writes-

Why is it that no one seems to have taken Burnie to task about his Boomer cost of an education calculations?

He claims it took a boomer (which I am) only 306 hours of work at minimum wage to pay for a four year degree.  I read this on the internet it must be true.

I graduated in 1987 a bit late since I did a few years in the Army.   The wage was $3.52.  3.52 X 306 = 1,077 dollars.  I beg to differ but I think it cost me a bit more than that.  Where the heck did he go to college?


Sanders simply makes up sh*t as he gos along.


13 Comments on Sanders’ Fuzzy Math

  1. In the course on ‘How to become a politician 101’ the first thing they learn is how to lie the second thing they learn is how to maximize income using both tax money and donor funds during their elected years!

  2. I get the made up math part, his crowd feasts on dreamy, important sounding sentences with lots of syllables. Facts are disposable next to the narrative.
    The only thing stupider than a stupid assed degree in stupid assed fields of study that have no future employment prospects in the modern world is going into debt for it, and you deserve your fate.

  3. During the summers between semesters I worked as a “roustabout” at a refinery. I made under $8/hour, well above the minimum wage in the early 80s. I attended a state college in Texas (not the fancy ones or the big money ones in Austin or College Station). At 306 hours, I would earn $2448.00 (though Uncle Sam took tax and social security). Tuition and books alone I estimated to be well above $4500 at least (dirt cheap). That doesn’t include food and having a roof over my head.

    In case you can’t guess, Sanders is a lying idiot.

  4. I think the public schools cost next to nothing until the 80s, like $25 per semester which was fees rather than tuition. Of course living expenses haven’t changed as much over the years, but public schools now charge much, much more than they used to.

  5. IIRC, the Florida State University system (UF, FSU, UCF, etc) back in the 1970’s had a tuition rate around $20 per credit hour. So a full 15 hour load would be about $300 per term (tuition only, plus books, room & board, etc.), four years would come out to $2,400 plus all other costs and fees. When Bernie went to college it may have been around 50 cents per hour.

  6. Bernie’s avoiding the main point. He makes it sound like the problem is a minimum age issue, but completely ignores the fact that colleges and universities jack up the price to whatever the hell they feel like.

    And a big part of that increase is from the feds taking over student loans. Schools are acting like hogs at the slop trough.

    Bernie’s not only wrong on the numbers, he’s wrong on the whole freakin’ issue.

  7. DAN

    I think the fees at “let there be light” were a little more than $25 in’80. My oldest started in ’87 and I know first hand it was much more by then!
    IMHO after Mario and his Goons it should be “let there be dark”!


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