Sanders goons allegedly threaten NYT reporter over Clinton article – IOTW Report

Sanders goons allegedly threaten NYT reporter over Clinton article

CFL: On Tuesday, New York Times political reporter Amy Chozick issued a disturbing tweet indicating that she’s been targeted with threats from supporters of Socialist Bernie Sanders, a.k.a., “Crazy Bernie.”

“I won’t be answering calls from unknown numbers today, after third call from Bernie supporters telling me they’d hunt me down in the streets,” she wrote.

Although she didn’t say exactly why she was targeted by lunatic Sanders supporters, it seems her “sin” is writing this article about Hillary Clinton:

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1 Comment on Sanders goons allegedly threaten NYT reporter over Clinton article

  1. Liberal ‘children’ need to be punished, i.e. have the law apply to them again and get charges pressed when they beat someone up, destroy public property, threaten someone and harass someone. I s2g. I can’t take this anymore, fuck you, Obama, you’ve made an entire generation [my younger brother and sister’s generation to be precise] of kids INSANE. >:[

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