Sanders’ Idiocy – IOTW Report

Sanders’ Idiocy


13 Comments on Sanders’ Idiocy

  1. I said before….Sanders is only there because he’s a ‘stalking horse’ for Shrillary so she doesn’t look too Marxist to the few remaining mainstream democrats….he’s not even a member of the Party so he can’t win regardless
    …his role in the debate was to give her a pass on the Email/Server Debacle when he proclaimed it no big deal ….gee, that’s swell……thanks Comrade Bernie

  2. I agree with Limbaugh’s take on Bernie in that he all but endorsed the Hildebeest by giving her a complete pass on her e-mail and Benghazi and declaring for her that both of those scandals are behind her.

    Sanders knows full well he cannot win the election, but his faithful followers got their instructions last night, so when he finally does concede and endorse her completely his minions will be completely prepared to fall into line behind her.

    Sanders exposed himself last night as a Clinton tool, an old worn one at that.

  3. Left wing math at work but that aside, He is down for the cause, propping up the matriarch of the clinton regime only furthers the marxist revolution and for him it’s worth sacrificing his “candidacy”

    Down with the matriarchy!!

  4. The solution to this problem is to first kill feminism.
    Then, empower males to learn how to be the best guys, boyfriends, husbands.
    That means, they learn how to be what they’re supposed to be.
    Then, any offspring produced, shame them governmentally if they fail to be who they’re supposed to be.
    What this would look like : Growth.
    Cycle we’re in: REcycle.
    Accept the recycle!
    But if we listen to our own inside, we just..reject this idea.
    We have some very challenging days ahead.

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