Sanders is touching Chris Matthews’ “Erogenous Zone” – IOTW Report

Sanders is touching Chris Matthews’ “Erogenous Zone”

ew little girl face

Newsbusters: Monday’s Hardball featured host Chris Matthews squaring off against Sanders campaign chairman Jeff Weaver and after a tense exchange on whether Clinton’s lucrative donors signaled she’s “made a deal with the devil,” Matthews gushed that Sanders often strikes his “erogenous zone” on certain issues.

Prior to the latest head-scratching utterance from Matthews, he welcomed on Weaver but immediate lambasted he and his boss for criticizing Hillary Clinton by speaking “in almost like mythical” and “strong” language about Clinton taking money from corporations, Wall Street and other interest groups in hopes gaining access in the White House.  read more

10 Comments on Sanders is touching Chris Matthews’ “Erogenous Zone”

  1. it has become very difficult for me to navigate this ste, it is one of my favorites and every day i struggle to read it…finally today it just froze…i had to reload it to get it back…this has been getting progressively worse over the last few months…i have a similar problem with drudge…other sites are fine…i’m on fios and firefox, in today’s atmosphere i’m suspicious of tampering….anyone else have this problem?

  2. @Anon: Yes. Off and on over the last few days, IOTWR has been freezing up IE and taking down the tab with it, sometimes so much that I have to stop trying to access it for a couple of hours until things calm down. The only thing that will stop this is to turn on Tracking Protection (if I can get in), which causes some of the posting content to be blocked. That’s how I’m even able to make this comment, because it happened again this morning. I have mentioned this before, so hopefully the problem is being worked on.

    In addition, this morning I was hit with an intrusion attempt (Norton AV blocked it) when I brought up IOTWR, so make sure your anti-virus program is up to date.

  3. @anonymous, you’re not alone. I have these ads that completely take over the screen. And freezes up. I’m bout to lose interest on ever getting on the computer.

  4. Most of the right leaning sites have this problem (interestingly, the treehouse does not). Lucianne gets hit hard and often with stuff more severe than happens here.
    Sites like the Daily KKK and huffingglue do not have the issues.
    Every time I have grabbed one of them and looked at the script it always points back to the ad suppliers.
    I seriously doubt the ad suppliers are doing it, it is most likely hackers using the ad suppliers as back doors.
    Until the ad suppliers clean up the problem there is really nothing a site like this can do about it unless it had generous members that were willing to cover the costs of operations.

  5. Is this another “tingle up the leg” for Chrissy-poo over another Socialist Libtard? Why does anyone even listen to him anymore? DOES anyone listen to him anymore? What is his viewership and TV ratings?

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