Sanders: It’s Hillary’s fault she lost – IOTW Report

Sanders: It’s Hillary’s fault she lost

AmericanMirror: Bernie Sanders isn’t buying Hillary Clinton’s claim that FBI director James Comey is to blame for her losing the election.

Over the weekend, Clinton refused to take responsibility for her own loss, and instead blamed Comey.

Reuters reported:

Hillary Clinton blamed FBI director James Comey for her stunning defeat in Tuesday’s presidential election in a conference call with her top campaign funders on Saturday, according to two participants who were on the call.

Clinton was projected by nearly every national public opinion poll as the heavy favorite going into Tuesday’s race. Instead, Republican Donald Trump won the election, shocking many throughout the nation and prompting widespread protests. …

Clinton told her supporters on Saturday that her team had drafted a memo that looked at the changing opinion polls leading up to the election and that the letter from Comey proved to be a turning point. She said Comey’s decision to go public with the renewed examination of her email server had caused an erosion of support in the upper Midwest, according to three people familiar with the call.

On Monday morning, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders disputed that claim, saying Clinton was, in fact, at fault.

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9 Comments on Sanders: It’s Hillary’s fault she lost

  1. Sorry but it was the fault of all those “deplorables” that she lost.
    Also the “feel good” reporting and fake polls by the media. Of course, the fact that she’s a liar and a crook didn’t help either.

  2. He’s right but he’s coming out now not to help the party but to help himself for his re-election in 2018. He’s trying to look like the “honest broker” for the Democrats (just like his posturing about being the guy to stop Trump if he gets out of line) in order to strengthen his hold on his states voters after the he caved in during the campaign as well as the sudden purchase of a beachfront home and high end sports car. This is all just smoke and mirrors pumped out to keep his cushy senate job.

  3. How about this Hilary,
    You lost the election because your actions put you in the eye of law enforcement. If you hadn’t engaged in activities interesting to the FBI this wouldn’t have happened.
    Your party rigged the primaries.
    You sold influence, to foreign and domestic parties through a shell charity, kept it secret, and tried to also fit into your schedule the top diplomatic position in the country.
    You lost because because with all the chaff, distractions, outright cheating, and obfuscation, the people saw through you.
    You lost because you are a miserable, vindictive whore for power, and it shows.
    But the real reason….
    At the last debate; Trump brought up the Red Line in Syria. He made mention that that was under your tenure.
    You denied it.
    There was no reason to do this. It was an easily checked fact.
    You lied without thinking, reflexively, instinctively.
    In fact, you cannot help it.
    It is your nature to lie.
    That is why you lost.
    You would know this,
    If you were honest with yourself.

  4. Today I read somewhere that she now blames self hating white women that are misogynists. Um, no I don’t hate myself, I hate YOU, you evil,sadistic, criminal clump of vaginal yeast.

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