Sanders: Medicare for All Not Free for the Middle Class – IOTW Report

Sanders: Medicare for All Not Free for the Middle Class

At first, only the filthy rich were going to pay. Remember that?
Now, the middle class is paying. With some minor adjustments, it won’t be long before the lower class is paying, too. There is no FREE, stupids!


“Is health care free? No, it is not,” Sanders told host Stephen Colbert. “So what we do is exempt the first $29,000 of a person’s income. You make less than $29,000 you pay nothing in taxes. Above that, in a progressive way with the wealthiest people in this country paying the largest percentage, people do pay more in taxes.”

Medicare for All is not free and will require anyone earning more than $29,000 a year to pay more in taxes, presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) said on The Late Show Thursday.

Sanders’s 2020 campaign website details the Vermont senator’s Medicare for All plan, but contains no mention of a tax increase on the middle class. Colbert confronted the Vermont senator about whether his proposal would lead to tax increases. Sanders acknowledged that taxes would have to rise if the government took control of one of the nation’s largest industries. read more

16 Comments on Sanders: Medicare for All Not Free for the Middle Class

  1. Medicare is the biggest scam perpetrated by the US government since they passed the Federal Reserve bill in 1913. I’ve been paying payroll taxes since I’ve been working (it was implemented in 1965), money that could have been going to me & my family … now that I’ve turned the ‘magical age’ I have the ‘privilege’ of having to ‘voluntarily’ entering Medicare (if I don’t ‘volunteer’ I lose my private healthcare … which I pay for; see how it works?)

    I also have the privilege of having my Social Security deducted every month to continue paying for my Medicare …. monthly
    now, did you notice? … yes, I still continue to pay for the ‘privilege’ of having to be on Medicare, even though I’ve paid for Medicare (without having it!) my whole employed life! … & I’m still paying, every month, for private health care …. why? (good question)

    … because Medicare is the LARGEST denier of health care in the NATION!!! (look it up, commie sympathizers) … that’s why!

    private industry has always been better than any government program … ‘cept military

  2. … & now Comrade Bernie comes along & figures, hey, you fell for it so many times before … why not once more?

    Comrade Bernie is done … he’s like an old uncle, wearing old ‘used car salesmen’ checkered sports coats that have mold growing in the seams & spouting forks-full of lemon cake crumbs with every utterance from his flapping gums

  3. Was in a panic to get everything taken care of by Blue Cross. Afraid doctors would cut me off after xfering from Blue Cross to Medicare at 65. However, it turns out Medicare pretty much pays about the same as Blue Cross! Have yet to have a doctor turn me down because of Medicare’s low payments. No idea what’s going on.

  4. maybe I didn’t make myself clear in my first post, but the reason I have had good health care since I’ve had Medicare is because I pay for secondary insurance (while still paying for Medicare!) … I’ve had more than several Doctor’s offices & health care facilities (including labs, imaging facilities, testing facilities & therapy groups) saying they wouldn’t/couldn’t accept me w/out a secondary co-pay

    phuck you, Comrade Bernie … I already pay … your plan makes me pay even more!

  5. Medicare for all. We have perfect examples, right in front of us, of government run healthcare: The VA and Medicaid. Ask anyone on those plans how wonderful it is to have any doctor you want, or how long the wait to see a doctor is, or any other question you might have about “Medicare for all.

    Come to think of it ask how hard it is to find a doctor who will accept MEDICARE, as it stands now. Ask about the 20% of funds NOT covered, ask about how high the premiums are that Medicare users pay every month.

  6. Americans must remember: Never trust the government, especially the current congress. They are grifter elitist. All they want from you is EVERYTHING.

    Once they have complete control of medical care, they WILL change it, immediately. Just like Obamacare. Hoes that working for you? Medicare For All will be that on steroids to the 100 power.

    Oh, and lest we forget, they will exempt themselves and their large donors.

  7. “At first, only the filthy rich were going to pay. Remember that? ”

    Isn’t that the same way we were sold the Income Tax?

    A “fool me once …..” sort of thing.

    Works every time.

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