Sanders Monopoly – IOTW Report

Sanders Monopoly


25 Comments on Sanders Monopoly

  1. I’m just curious: why are the authors on this site all cowering behind pseudonyms, and why is the site registration behind a proxy?

    You may answer with juvenile retorts, of course, but that will just confirm what I assume is the real answer. Or, you can try to sincerely answer my question.

    Because, Dan, I am the art director of AFDI and participate in anti-jihad ads and have created all of the artwork for AFDI, including the Muhammad poster at the Garland show where Muslims showed up with AK-47s to shoot everyone there.
    Does that answer your question?

  2. Dan M
    I believe it’s so as to avoid harassment by unhinged libiots.
    They do that sometimes.
    Dave F (is that last name Irish or what?) while I understand hyperbole, I don’t think it’s quite at that level.

  3. Yes, yes. Also: “Benghazi!” And, “libtard.” And, “Where’s the birth certificate?” And so on with the dime-a-dozen Internet Commenter copy-n-pastes. Always fascinating.

    The fact remains, however, that the people who write for this site are hiding their identities. Or, as I said: cowering. Even that nutsack county GOP leader in Austin stands by the courage of his convictions and puts his name on his insane rantings.

  4. “avoid harassment by unhinged libiots.”

    If so, then, yes. My assumption was correct. They want to be able to say what they want without taking any responsibility for it. Like any courageous truth-screamer.

    I wonder, if I were to comb through this site, would I find many instances of these writers making fun of people for “whining,” or being pathetic cowards in various ways? Or praising our brave men in uniform? I bet I would!

  5. Me and Bernie S. (not his real name) are just gonna sit here on Free Parking, cowering behind our pseudonyms, and wait for the replies to come rolling in to “Dan Mitchell”. It should get interesting.

    Pass the popcorn, Bernie…


  6. dan, have you ever been on the huffpo website?

    I agree with dan, we are all cowards.

    dan let us know where to meet you so we can all apologize for being cowards personally.

    I would be rude to apologize on this forum after your stinging rebuke to our practices.

  7. Dan Mitchell the troll, you are welcome to comment here under real name or pseudonym.
    It is actually quite rare for trolls to open their pie-holes here.

    I find them quite refreshing and resplendent, kind of like cute but ignorant little tykes.
    No Dan, I didn’t say dykes, though they are welcome here too.

    Most times we have a little fun with these MSM sucking basement dwellers before they turn tail and exit to their safe space.

    As for my nom de plume, I chose it based on a rant by your buffoonish cohort, Al Sharpton.
    I would use my real name AGAIN, because I used too, but I have become known as LocoBlancoSaltine and I kind of like that.

    Here’s to you Dan, don’t go away mad, please continue your talking point memos, we will keep laughing at you.

  8. Dear Dan, the Asshole Man,
    Who says I’m using a nom de plume?
    And besides, what business is it of yours what name we write under? Since when did it become a crime?
    Some great historical figures wrote under pen names. Just off the top of my head, Ben Franklin as Poor Richard. Going to hang and burn him in effigy?
    Oh, and GFY.

  9. Dan, Dan, the Asshole Man,
    And FYI, what really frosts me, is that you are using my middle name in vain, and giving it a bad reputation and smell.
    In case I didn’t mention it last time, GFY.

  10. “So everyone ends up with some property and a house………. that’s bad why?”
    “property and a house” that they didn’t earn … where is the value?
    … or you could just go ask all the ‘free housing’ hand-out people in Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Baltimore, Philly, San Fran, etc. how well they love their ‘free’ digs … (just another democrat plantation, imo)
    … or you could read the last two sentences in the game rules.

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