Sanders Rally Uses Homeless Shelter – Forcing People Out into the Cold – IOTW Report

Sanders Rally Uses Homeless Shelter – Forcing People Out into the Cold

A little bit of irony here.


Alabama officials were unable to open an emergency homeless shelter Monday because the auditorium was being used for a Sen. Bernie Sanders rally, forcing hundreds of homeless people to seek shelter from freezing temperatures elsewhere.

About 300 people sought shelter inside the Boutwell Auditorium in Birmingham last week, which served as an emergency warming station for three nights because of unusually cold weather. But the city was unable to open the auditorium Monday night when temperatures dropped to a years-low 20 degrees.

sandersSanders, a Democratic presidential candidate and self-described socialist, needed the auditorium to host a campaign rally. So the homeless had to seek shelter elsewhere in what felt like 15 degree weather.

“We’ve never had a night like this where it will be in the teens and we weren’t able to open,” Don Lupo, of the mayor’s office of citizen’s assistance, told an Alabama news outlet. Lupo later urged people angry and concerned about the shutdown to work together to come up with a better solution.


12 Comments on Sanders Rally Uses Homeless Shelter – Forcing People Out into the Cold

  1. Well ain’t that typical. This useless old fuck should fade away. My oldest son tells me the other day how many of his friends like Bernie. My sons 26. Do the math and these kids no nothing but Obamanomics. They’ve never had the opportunity to see what our economy is capable of when it’s rolling. Most college educated back living with their parents. That’s a problem.

  2. ..the law of unintended consequences…. a real ‘bitch’ for commie/socialist libs
    “…but…but …. we meant well…… ”
    irony & complete lack of responsibility is total lost on them, no matter what they do…. total putzes

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