Sanders Says He’ll Apologize For Slavery – IOTW Report

Sanders Says He’ll Apologize For Slavery

He Should Start By Apologizing For Socialism.


DailyWire: On Wednesday evening, Senator Bernie Sanders (Socialist-Loonbaggia) announced to a largely black audience at Tindley Temple United Methodist Church that if elected president, he would apologize for slavery. Given that nobody knew Sanders owned slaves, this came as a bit of a revelation. And given that America fought a bloody war 150 years ago involving hundreds of thousands of dead white men dying to free black men from their white slaveholders, the apology seems a bit superfluous.

Sanders continued by stating that blacks should receive de facto slavery reparations through government redistributionism. “[W]e understand the legacy of slavery,” Sanders said.  more here

23 Comments on Sanders Says He’ll Apologize For Slavery

  1. What has been Trillions of dollars and over half a century of Civil Rights been you worthless, Federal Tit-Sucking Dumb Ass? Chopped liver?
    I’m tired of being blamed for something I didn’t do, my father didn’t do, my Grandfather didn’t do and my Great Grandfather didn’t do!

  2. Reparations. I dare them to try it. Two things will definitely happen.

    1) Millions of people will simply stop paying taxes
    2) Within a year, millions of nubians that had some (fairy dust) money will be broke again.

    If it happens and you want to bank, invest in weave and wheel companies.

  3. For a people who had been freed from slavery in 1865, they sure went back into it, welfare and socialism, in the mid 1960s. So, do they want to freed from slavery, or not?

  4. Since my grandparents were from Germany before the turn of the last century, I do not feel I need to apologize for American slavery. I do apologize for the Franco-Prussian War however.

  5. As a dimocrat, Bernie should definitely apologize for Slavery, on behalf of the dimocrats. After all, the dimocrat party was created to protect, preserve, and defend slavery. And they still are.

  6. He gonna apologize for the slavery that the negroes were under 150 years ago, or for the slavery working people are under NOW?

    Socialism is slavery.

    izlamo delenda est …

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  1. Silence is Consent | Bernie Sanders promises reparations for slavery, and three things wrong with that…

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