Sanders’ son hints Bernie is running in 2020 – IOTW Report

Sanders’ son hints Bernie is running in 2020

DailyCaller: Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ son indicated on Thursday that the senator is seriously considering running for president in 2020.

“Bernard is seriously contemplating a run in 2020 and I don’t mean a jog,” his son, Levi Sanders, said in a tweet. “I forgot to mention that he is taking his vitamins and going on long walks,” he added. (Levi has always referred to his father by his first name, he said in 2016, because his father “was a friend, not an authoritarian.”)  READ MORE


13 Comments on Sanders’ son hints Bernie is running in 2020

  1. Once he came to understand how lucrative it is to run (not necessarily to win) there’s no way he could stay away. If he only steals 20% of what the morons send him, he could buy 2 or 3 more estates. Good work for the unscrupulous.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Bernie will split the Left (again) and the establishment will either run Kamala Harris and or Biden
    Neither they or all the Pussy Hats, or all the illegals can compete with a kick ass economy.
    And (they, like) the cares that infest the day, Shall fold their tents, like the Arabs, And as silently steal away

  3. The crypt keeper is going to look like a loon if Trump has the economy roaring babbling on about 23 deodorant choices being the reason for child hunger. A lot of his appeal for youth and older progressives had to do with lack of options to make money under Obama. He’ll have his wacko ‘everything is free’ base but his time has passed.

  4. His son refers to his dad by his first name because he is disrespectful. FIFY.

    Right there is sufficient evidence of Bernie’s (disrespect intended) unfitness to run a lemonade stand.

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