Sanders supporter Tim Robbins charges vote fraud is stealing election for Hillary – IOTW Report

Sanders supporter Tim Robbins charges vote fraud is stealing election for Hillary

Bernie’s not offering enough goodies for the illegal and dead voters. Not even for the dead illegal voters.


AT: Wait a minute!  I thought vote fraud was virtually nonexistent.  That’s what Democrats have been telling us for years, in even the face of 100-plus-percent turnout in some urban districts.  That’s why we don’t need voter ID, after all.  It is an article of faith on the left that photo ID for voting is a racist plot by the GOP.

But now prominent Hollywood Sanders supporter Tim Robbins is charging that Hillary’s forces are stealing the election.  read more

9 Comments on Sanders supporter Tim Robbins charges vote fraud is stealing election for Hillary

  1. The biggest voter fraud is the myth, vigorously promoted by the political/govt establishment, that changing the people in the elected offices will change the policies established, implemented, and managed by un-elected bureaucrats and their cronies.

  2. A woman in my office was explaining how Bernie was being ripped off and the fraud that was going around. I wanted to bring up the whole no such thing as voter fraud too. I didnt, the woman has two inches and 20 pounds on me.

  3. Hitllery knows it…she approved the whole crime mess, and her supporters, the Clinton Posse, drive it home every chance they get….those paychecks keep on coming from the charity, erm…Clinton Cartel…. she has enough once Barky releases the cons with voting rights (as long as it is for the Dhimmos) to sweep it all away into the sewer….I hope, true to their nature, the felons will double cross thunder thighs and vote for Trump….

  4. Well, somebody better tell Robbins mom Susan Sarandon what little Timmy’s been up to so she can have a long talk with him.
    The Dem’s are such two faced bastards even when it comes to issues like voter fraud.

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