Sanders – This country is not supposed to be about Christians – IOTW Report

Sanders – This country is not supposed to be about Christians

Is it about Muslims?


What’s it about? Atheists?

Sanders applies a religious litmus test during nomination process.

No one blinks.


You couldn’t illustrate the term Fart Face any better.

ht/ meerkat

21 Comments on Sanders – This country is not supposed to be about Christians

  1. It used to be about decency, morals, ethics, and commitment to an ideal that was greater than oneself. If that included religious ideology a man was not judged on it but rather the character of his actions.

    Sanders and his ilk have no lasting foundation except the shifting ground of “progress” (whatever the hell that is) and their tentative grip on the moment of righteous indignation to promote policy. It’s an empty suit that lead to nothing and a tearing down of community and patriotic exceptionalism (or what they’d call national privilege).

  2. Hey Bernie you should know better as a Jew, no other country has ever treated Jews better for the most part than the United States has since its founding. And just who were the Pilgrims if they weren’t full fledged Christians? Answer me that Bernie, you’re an idiot.

  3. Bernie, just go back to your ValleyCrest HillSide BrookField ShermanOaks POS McMansion that you won for losing an election, eat Viagra, skullfuck your parrots’ brains out and leave the rest of the world alone. Kapish?

  4. @TSUNAMI – I watched Liz Wheeler’s show last night and was greatly impressed by her “Final Point” rant (and I mean “rant” in a good way) about Sander’s latest bigotry. Thanks for posting that – it’s a Must View.

  5. Lordy, Bernboy! Are you so effed up you don’t understand that this nation was founded upon Judaeo-Christian values and principles?

    Creepy marxist/socialist/commie/smelly scumbag!

  6. Socialists have to destroy religion so that the “higher power” useful idiots worship is government. Bernie is sitting among his fellow disciples who wear both blue and red robes but preach from the same federal register.

  7. Just what America needs more socialist atheists. Your money grubbing ways make you a first class hypocrite. I don’t wish you well, my same feelings for others of your ilk. YOU didn’t make America great.

  8. Hey, he represents people who don’t work because he hasn’t really worked a day in his life – and that’s all he knows. Since Christ worked, he resents him.

    He – and his kind – need to get of the planet.

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