Sanders Threatens Moderate Dems Who Won’t Support Socialism – IOTW Report

Sanders Threatens Moderate Dems Who Won’t Support Socialism

WJ:If you’re a Democrat and you’re not on board with socialism, are you going to vote for Bernie Sanders’ proposals if he becomes president? “Damn right” you are, he says.

That’s one of the takeaways from the Vermont senator’s conversation with CNBC’s John Harwood this week in which he told Harwood that more moderate politicians on his ideological side of the aisle — inasmuch as they still exist — will vote for his plans once he’s in office.

Speaking to Harwood in a Des Moines, Iowa, coffee shop, Sanders touched on a wide variety of subjects, including the perfidy of big oil executives and why he hopes to become a 21st century’s Franklin Delano Roosevelt. (He seems a bit more Henry Wallace-ish to me, but whatever.)

None of this was particularly newsworthy stuff — until, that is, Harwood got to the kind of congressional support that Sanders could expect.

“Is Joe Manchin going to vote for your program? Is Jon Tester going to vote for your program?” Harwood asked. read more

16 Comments on Sanders Threatens Moderate Dems Who Won’t Support Socialism

  1. Tribe gonna tribe. Ruin America. It’s what they do. Gain control of all forms of cultural narrative and rot you out without anyone even knowing what’s being done to them. They always target the world’s most powerful Christian nation. 2000 year old war and most Americans are too dumb to even know it’s happening.

  2. Anonymous,
    WWII, Korea, and Vietnam were internecine socialist fights.
    Bosheviks murdered the Mensheviks and then started on “deviationist” Bolsheviks – Trotskyites, for example – who didn’t really differ in their sick affection for tyranny and death. C’mon! Stalin, Hitler, Roosevelt, and Churchill? Different branches of socialism vying for dominance.
    Epithets vary and so-called meanings change – Fascist – Hitlerite – Trotskyite – Titoist – Maoist – Dengist – but the core is the same. They all claim that their particular version of socialism is the (only) one true faith and every deviation must be most brutally stamped out.

    The Demonrats are just emboldened after 8 years of the Kenyan Traitor to show their faces unadorned.

    izlamo delenda est …


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