Sanders versus Trump: The Crying Babies – IOTW Report

Sanders versus Trump: The Crying Babies

Remember when the baby cried at the Trump rally and Trump made a few jokes about it?

The media made it sound like Trump held up its beating heart.

Here’s Sanders and a crying baby–

No one in the media is making mention of the crying baby at the Sanders rally snoozefest. The crank actually refers to the baby as a “that.”

Compare the two personalities. Who seems like the douche?

The media is a joke.

8 Comments on Sanders versus Trump: The Crying Babies

  1. I doubt Sanders will win the nomination.

    I’m still thinking someone else -someone that appears at least sane and middle left instead of extreme left- is going to emerge to win it.

    I may be wrong about that, but no matter how I look at it anger and hate is going to be the theme and motivation of the left this time around no matter who they run.

  2. as a non-member of the D’rat party, Sanders has about as much chance of getting their nomination as a poor person can get good health care in Cuba (or a rich one, for that matter)


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