Sanders: ‘You’re Going to Pay More in Taxes’ with Medicare for All, But Most Will ‘End Up Paying Less for Health Care’ – IOTW Report

Sanders: ‘You’re Going to Pay More in Taxes’ with Medicare for All, But Most Will ‘End Up Paying Less for Health Care’

Breitbart: During a town hall on the Fox News Channel on Monday, Democratic presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) stated that under Medicare for all, “You’re going to pay more in taxes.” He added that “the overwhelming majority of people are going to end up paying less for health care.”

Co-host Martha MacCallum asked Sanders about Medicare for all increasing taxes.

Sanders responded that this question omits that “You’re not going to pay any health insurance premiums.”

He added, “Look, health care is not free.”

Sanders further stated that health care will “be free at the point of when you use it, okay?”

He further explained, “Let’s just say, hypothetically, you are self-employed, and you’ve got a husband and two kids, okay? Family of four. You know how much that family is paying today for health care? $28,000 a year. We’re spending $11,000 per person. We’re saying to that family of four, you ain’t going to pay that 28,000. You’re not paying any more premiums. You’re not paying any more co-payments. You’re not paying any more deductibles. How’s that? 28,000 you’re not paying, but does that mean you’re not going to pay something? Of course it does. You’re going to pay more in taxes.”

Sanders concluded, “[A]re people going to pay more in taxes? Yes. But at the end of the day, the overwhelming majority of people are going to end up paying less for health care. Because they’re not paying premiums, co-payments, and deductibles.” more

SNIP: Holy Crap. He’s a loon.

22 Comments on Sanders: ‘You’re Going to Pay More in Taxes’ with Medicare for All, But Most Will ‘End Up Paying Less for Health Care’

  1. So, who will be paying less for their healthcare than they are going to be paying more in taxes?

    And for that matter, who will be receiving as much and as high quality of healthcare as they are now and who will not? I suspect our Congressthings will be receiving the same quality as they are now, but who else among the rest of us will be as well?

  2. …translation: you’ll be paying more overall in TAXES than you are currently paying for your healthcare, BUT less of what you’re paying will go to ACTUAL health care, and MORE will go to paying for my worthless, otherwise unemployable transgendered, heroin-addicted nephew to have a lifetime Civil Service job MANAGING your healthcare, my nephew and a lot of OTHER Democrat politicians’…

  3. What Bernie Sanders thinks is health care may be different from what Americans think is health care.

    The thing about this is what Sanders actual political position is is that questions of what is good or bad need to be decided by Bernie Sanders and Bernie Sanders needs to be able to force everyone else to do what he thinks is right.

  4. “…free at the point of when you use it, okay?”

    But not free at the point of when you pay for it.

    Careful, Bernie. Your dissembling is approaching Obama levels.

  5. And if you like your healthcare, you can keep your healthcare.

    And if you don’t like your taxes, you can keep not liking your taxes we have a healthcare fix for that.

  6. And the braying seals clapped. His squadron of campaign vols were aptly positioned in the FOX audience for the appearance of maximum support.

    So Bernie is complaining about the cost of obamacare, which he helped to make a reality. Niiiiice Bernie, we trust your judgement. The problem is too many uneducated, misinformed make a lot of noise.

  7. But at the end of the day, the overwhelming majority of politicians are going to end up paying less for health care. Which is damn near nothing as it is now.
    FIFY, Burnie.

  8. three card monte
    the old ‘razzle-dazzle’

    it will cost more overall and if the money, in the form of a tax is not segregated, it will be used for other purposes- such as taking care of illegal aliens. Someone should ask him if he intends to provide coverage for anyone who is i the country illegally. Then step back and watch the cards.

  9. You’ll pay more in taxes because governing schlubs like him will continue spending too much as long as they still have a pulse (hint, hint).

    And it doesn’t matter what you pay for ‘heathcare’ when the system is FUBAR and Big Insurance and Big Government reserve the right to deny you any access.

  10. Has he said anything about those who have had Medicare deductions taken from their paychecks for decades and are soon to retire? Are they back at square one? Their retirement income will be taxed at a much higher rate, and no option for private supplemental insurance?

  11. [quote] “So, who will be paying less for their healthcare than they are going to be paying more in taxes?”

    That’s easy, everyone too lazy, too drugged, too illegal, or too stupid to hold a job. That would be all of Bernie’s voters.

    Does it surprise anyone that he is pandering to his base?

  12. So you won’t pay the hospital $500 for your kid’s broken arm, you’ll pay $30000 more a year in taxes. Even if you never use that ‘free’ health care, it will STILL cost an extra $30000 – gotta pay for all those illegals and the ones who don’t want to work somehow.


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