Sandmann’s Lawyers Now Representing Carter Page – IOTW Report

Sandmann’s Lawyers Now Representing Carter Page

American Greatness

On Friday, Lin Wood, the attorney representing a Kentucky teenager in a number of defamation lawsuits against major media outlets, announced a settlement with the Washington Post. The terms of the agreement between the family of Nicholas Sandmann—the Covington Catholic High School student accused of disrespecting a “native elder” while wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat during the January 2019 March for Life—remain secret. 

Wood and Sandmann settled a similar lawsuit against CNN earlier this year. Cases still are pending against NBC News, ABC News, CBS News, the New York TimesRolling Stone, and Gannett.

On Sunday, Wood confirmed he will represent another innocent person maligned and defamed by the American news media: Carter Page, the Trump campaign associate who James Comey’s FBI accused of acting as an agent of Russia. More

7 Comments on Sandmann’s Lawyers Now Representing Carter Page

  1. The very minute he retained L Lynn Wood I said this will not end well for the defendants. There were a lot of idiots who would have had some lawyers that had them all over the news etc. this guy is a settlement machine who keeps his client’s eyes on the prize.

  2. @Thirdtwin:

    He’s going after Tater Stelter, too! Please, Mr. Wood…make him go away. Or at least to a basement podcast.

    I’d hold out for a cash settlement plus surgical removal of Stelter’s vocal chords.

  3. Man, I wish somebody would release one of the settlements to the public. Plaintiffs usually demand secrecy and are willing to pay through the nose for that clause. A generous settlement would encourage others to sue as well and maybe force the news media into actually doing what their jobs are and that’s reporting the news not publishing items they know are lies, half-truths and utter crap to try to shape public opinion to their liberal/left plan.


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