Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theorist Must Pay Dad of Slain Boy After Lawsuit – IOTW Report

Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theorist Must Pay Dad of Slain Boy After Lawsuit

You can have all the theories in the world, but when you write a book saying the father of a slain boy faked his son’s death certificate, you better have your proof.


A jury in Wisconsin has awarded $450,000 to the father of a boy killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting after he filed a defamation lawsuit against conspiracy theorist writers who claimed the massacre never happened. A Dane County jury on Tuesday decided the amount James Fetzer must pay Leonard Pozner, whose 6-year-old son Noah was among the 26 victims at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, on Dec. 14, 2012.

Fetzer, a retired University of Minnesota Duluth professor now living in Wisconsin, and Mike Palacek co-wrote a book, Nobody Died at Sandy Hook, in which they claimed the Sandy Hook shooting never took place but was instead an event staged by the federal government as part of an Obama administration effort to enact tighter gun restrictions.


12 Comments on Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theorist Must Pay Dad of Slain Boy After Lawsuit

  1. All the writer of the book had to do was say that somebody told them that the attack was staged.

    That’s how the wapo got off after LYING THEIR ASSES OFF about the Covington kids.

    I guess you have to be communist and queer to take advantage of these privileges.

  2. you better have your proof

    Really? Is that only if you claim a fake death certificate? Or does it also apply if you claim a fake gang rape? Or does it only apply when you accuse the Ministry of Truth of being fake? For which you must answer to the Ministry of Justice?

  3. It’s a shame Biden never got sued by the guy he called a drunk driver for forty years. But I guess that technically, Biden never said the guy’s name so c’mon man…no harm, no foul, and no evidence.

  4. Alternate news’ researchers found lots of proof it was a drill that was then turned into a hoaxed shooting by officials and media involved. Just as has been almost all shootings since. Without exposure of hoaxes done by sleuths on the internet, there would be no exposure of the faked shootings. Photo of the kids that did not die? :

    Jim Stone, Freelance Journalist

    If Wolfgang Halbig was wrong about Sandy Hook, why is this image banned wherever it gets posted?
    [photo to enlarge of alleged Sandy Hook’s victim kids — alive and older]

  5. mansfield lovell

    I worked to pay for college My Jr year I had a summer job that paid well. It was USW work. I went to a union meeting with the Politicls from AFL – I do not remember their name – but they were warning us about the Kike Goldwater. I noticed, but pretended not , the booklet they were handing out. Picture of a checkerboard on cover.

    If you are over 70 and MOT you know.

    But for most member it was ” The Elders…”

    Goldwater was an English Catholic not a Kike! But the name got most union men against him.

  6. The US judicial system is not an honorable one. Nor is the US government.

    Kevin Barrett, The Legal Lynching of a Truth-Seeker: Jim Fetzer’s Stalinist-Style Show Trial
    BY KEVIN BARRETT ON 10/17/2019

    “According to the 7th Amendment of the Constitution:


    Yet as I understand it—and perhaps someone can correct me in the comments if I am wrong—Jim Fetzer was never given the right of trial by jury to determine whether he had or had not committed libel. Instead, an obviously biased judge presided over that crucial first phase of the case, denying Jim’s Constitutionally-guaranteed right to a trial by jury. The same judge prevented Jim from presenting his truth defense, which would have entailed giving Jim full scope to present the evidence that led him to believe his statements were truthful and therefore not libelous.

    It was only in the second, penalty phase of the trial that a jury was convened. And during that phase, not only was Jim prevented from presenting his truth defense to the jury, he was prohibited from even mentioning it, or from telling the truth about his beliefs.”

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