Sandy Hook Document Dumps – IOTW Report

Sandy Hook Document Dumps

Freedom Outpost-

Alleged shooter Adam Lanza weighed only 85 pounds, according to the documents.  This then begs the question of how he was toting all the arms and ammunition that he was said to have been carrying.

Does anyone else think we can trust the FBI anymore?

“The authorities told her that if her son was that smart, he could have a job with them someday,” according to one of the heavily-redacted reports.

Stop and think about this one moment.  The FBI knew about a lot of things in our history and yet, they failed to act properly on the information they had.  Take 9/11 for example.  Take the beheading plot against Pamela Geller for another example.  Fortunately, at least that murderous attempt was foiled.

That’s not all, Pamela Geller, who recounts her own experience with the FBI and death threats she has faced in her book FATWA: Hunted in America, has pointed out other incidents where the FBI has dropped the ball or been complicit in attacks on Americans.

ht/ fdr in hell

19 Comments on Sandy Hook Document Dumps

  1. It’s hard to imagine trusting any part of the DOJ. In fact is there any federal department that anyone has a high level of confidence in? I’m trying to think of one…….just give me a couple minutes…….nope, not one.

  2. The fact that people question anything they say anymore speaks to the utter collapse of trust in this organization. With whats about to come out shortly, I’d say it has lost any credibility it had.

  3. I woke up during the W years that it really wasn’t going to matter who we elected President or to Congress as long as career federal employees kept their jobs. Bush sucked imho as a President, I could never stand him, but the non-elected scum in all of these departments are truly the people who pull the strings. Then that dumbass didn’t think we had enough departments.

  4. I’d sooner trust the keystone cops, at least they were entertaining.

    The FBI is filled with partisan political hacks who are
    an embarrassment to the ideals of law, non-partisanship, integrity and professionalism.

    Given 6 more years of investigative fiddling by 100 of the FBI’s best “may” find Hillary’s intent for breaking rules, regulations, laws, obstructing justice and putting the security of our nation in Jeopardy.
    I may be too generous.

  5. An 88 pound guy? What? Nobody noticed until he was arrested? food turned him off? Did he carry all those guns? How many trips from the car to the class room?
    quote updated material weapons list:

    Lanza used a Bushmaster Model XM15-E2S rifle during the shooting spree, which ended when he shot himself.
    The rifle and two handguns — found next to his body — as well as an Izhmash Saiga-12 12 gauge semi-automatic shotgun recovered in his car were legally purchased by his mother, Nancy Lanza. He killed her in their Newtown home before the school shootings.

  6. I suspect that for all of Lanza’s underweight 80-some pounds, he was strong for his size. I had (God rest his soul) a younger brother, mentally retarded, skinny as a fence post, but all muscle for that. And he had no reservations on his strength.

    As for the F-i-B-b-I-es, well the name says it all.

  7. When it comes to False Flags, each one that follows the others becomes more and more hard to believe.

    “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled” …a quote attributed to Mark Twain and evidenced by a few in this thread.

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