Sank Francisco – IOTW Report

Sank Francisco

Millennium Tower is built on landfill prone to liquefying.

Even after moving a combined 18 inches west/into the earth from its original position, it takes more than a stiff breeze to topple a 58-story skyscraper, however inadequately moored.

Such a building may eventually shift to the point that it represents a danger to its structural integrity. But even though its present rate of engulfment is fairly alarming, it’s not going down fast enough to take anybody by surprise.


23 Comments on Sank Francisco

  1. Mark Twain once said “The coldest winter I ever saw was the summer I spent in San Francisco.” I spent a summer in San Francisco once, and I must differ. No disrespect meant to this icon that the “idiots” today delude themselves to be as witty. Let’s start with the ones who are not US citizens. John Oliver, James Cordon, Samantha Bee, Trevor Noah and Jim Jeffrey. Your own countries reject your mental delusions of personal talent (your in-ability to not be payed for your worthlessness, thinking your funny). You should at least be thanking God that worthless US based networks paid by IDIOT advertisers who employ idiots that they allow to spend their funds supporting you. It’s also know as Nepotism. Just to keep mental illness out of their basements and fridges. I love the show “The Actors Studio”. Especially when it gets to the “Q and A” part. “Hi, I’m a 10 year playwright”. who needs to know Jeff Spicoli’s focus. Much more that needs to fall before this does.

  2. When our neighbor was suddenly widowed, she moved to San Francisco to be near her adult children down in the bay area. I remember excitedly poring over the floor plans of her new condo. It was one of the quarters of this building — I forget which floor, but it was up there, and she had incredible views as well as all the amenities of living in a grand hotel, to boot. I wonder if she and the other tenants were able to get their money back. There’s no way on God’s green earth I would live in a highrise on top of a major fault. It’s bad enough being on ground level in an earthquake — even a small one.

  3. I am sure they drove pilings so the landfill aspect shouldn’t be a concern. My guess is that globul worming is causing the earth to shrink along the coastlines.
    It (globul worming) also is liquifying the oceans probably causing the liquifying that is mentioned in the article.

    McFartus – From the article – “A building this size weighs hundreds of thousands of tons.” Good idea you have but Big Mike would be a little to much counterbalance.

  4. When it finally does collapse, look for these to emerge:

    ⏺ Safety recommendations were ignored.
    ⏺ No-bid contract given to a minority construction company.
    ⏺ The architects / construction company, was chosen due to political kick backs.
    ⏺ Illegal aliens were working on the site.
    ⏺ Committee jam-packed with political cronies will get paid to sit around and deliver a report in which no one is to blame.

  5. Stacked 56 levels of people high, on top of a landfill, with structural integrity problems, and people still pay $13 million for a penthouse in this “luxury building” where friends from the outside are for certain to avoid you at all costs.

    One good gay group sex romping on a top level penthouse would probably topple it. It is San Fran.


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