Santorum Endorses Rubio and Then Can’t Name One Major Rubio Accomplishment – IOTW Report

Santorum Endorses Rubio and Then Can’t Name One Major Rubio Accomplishment


Rick says Marco is “enormously talented,” (what does that mean in political parlance, exactly?) and then struggles to name a solitary thing we should be impressed with.

Seriously, this really pisses me off. “Enormously talented.” At what? Being Cuban? That’s no big deal. We have another one.

When I hear a politician being described as “talented” by another politician, I hear, “he is smooth as silk with his bullsh!tting ability, something I wish I was as talented at. I mean, the guy is as slimy as the rest of us, yet he’s well liked and gets the election wins. Enormously, enormously talented. He’s gonna be at this for a long, long, long time. A real pro.”

That’s what I hear.


23 Comments on Santorum Endorses Rubio and Then Can’t Name One Major Rubio Accomplishment

  1. Now, let’s give him the benefit of the doubt; maybe “enormously talented” means Little Marco can tap dance AND play the kazoo at the same time. We just don’t know.

  2. So, to summarize, The littlest member of the “gang of 8” now has the endorsement of the guy, who lost to the guy, who lost to the guy, who lost to Obozo in 2008.

    The fix is in, and the stink is strong with this one.

  3. “Enormously talented” in the realm of politics always means being an exceptionally smooth liar. It means telling people whatever they want to hear while knowing that you believe nothing that you’re saying, all without feeling the slightest twinge of guilt because you have no conscience or sense of shame. Yes, Rubio is enormously talented as his history of constantly changing stances on amnesty / immigration has proven many times over.

  4. Well, he can’t really just say out loud that he and his cronies need the little Rubio feller to help them get the rest of Mexico, Central America, Cuba, and a few million more Syrian “refugees” on up in here in our country, now can he? They gotta get them ALL amnestyfied.

  5. Tens of Trillions of dollars I’ve watched the government spend and the accomplishments always rest in the corners under stones unturned by the government. DO NOTHING — That in itself would be the greatest accomplishment of any politician so long as doing nothing involves no spending. With the exception of Obama, we should all be happy to throw him million$ so he stays on vacation to not destroy America anymore.

  6. It’s more like a high school class president race.
    The super rich, arrogant kid with the most toys, good lookin’ girl friend, big new car and catchy retorts, – versus the well studied, smart, determined, debate team leader kid, – versus the good lookin florida kid that hasn’t done much of anything but he looks cool in his boots, -versus the momma’s boy kid whose Dad and big brother was a former class president in previous years (and all the teachers like him).

    Then you have the kids who support their favorite by denigrating all the others by deceit, deception, unfounded allegations and innuendo.

    Popularity, not substance, not stances on issues will be the determining factor.

    It boils down to high school stuff at the national level.

    Expect one to grab his crotch and make a declaratory statement to get more attention and distract the focus from his failures. I bet it’ll be the super rich kid.

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