Sarah Huckabee Explains Tax Cuts in a Way That Might Resonate With Stupid People – But I Doubt It – They’re Stupid – IOTW Report

Sarah Huckabee Explains Tax Cuts in a Way That Might Resonate With Stupid People – But I Doubt It – They’re Stupid

Sarah explains the tax system, and who does and doesn’t benefit from cuts, with an anecdote about drinking beer.

ht/ tsunami

9 Comments on Sarah Huckabee Explains Tax Cuts in a Way That Might Resonate With Stupid People – But I Doubt It – They’re Stupid

  1. It’s even worse than she described. She forgot that the bottom 4 actually GET PAID $1 to drink, because they’re being compensated for taking Uber to the bar. And it’s worse still, because there are 2 illegals who sneak in every day and sit at a nearby table, and the owner charges the group for them too….AND gives them each $1 to drink. They’ve now contacted their friends, who are all planning to join them for the bounty.

  2. The entire tax structure is way too accommodating to the loud mouth parasites in this country. The only fix for this mess will never be agreed to, that is if you don’t pay into the tax system you don’t vote.

  3. I was at the bar with 3 friends, the tab was $25, we each chipped in $10.

    Since we’re cheap goofs and the bartender sucked, we only gave him a $2 tip.

    So we each got $1 back.

    However when you think about it, we each paid $9 and the bartender got $2, but we started with $30 and $9 x 3 = $27 + $2 = $29

    Where did the other dollar go? See, this is how the game is rigged for the rich, they control math and when they get a chance, they steal a $1!

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