Sarah Huckabee Sanders reportedly to get Secret Service protection – IOTW Report

Sarah Huckabee Sanders reportedly to get Secret Service protection


Sarah Huckabee Sanders will soon start receiving Secret Service protection, multiple news networks reported Tuesday evening.

Citing “two sources familiar with the decision,” CNN said the protection will start soon, possibly Wednesday.

NBC News reported similarly, as correspondent Peter Alexander tweeted that “the Secret Service will begin providing security at the home of [Mrs.] Sanders on a temporary basis.”  MORE

16 Comments on Sarah Huckabee Sanders reportedly to get Secret Service protection

  1. The Rabid Left will howl at the cost of Secret Service protection for Sarah, but when has the left given a shit about the cost to Taxpayers of anything? It’s also a great response to Mad Maxine’s threat to Trump workers.

  2. It’s a God damn shame, but she should be protected. These left wing fookers should be beaten down whenever they show their ugly heads. The First Amendment is being abused by scumbags like Peter Fonda, the Red Hen owner and their ilk. Most Americans work for a living and don’t have time for protests and marches, and shit like that. But some day soon the shit will hit the fan. Mark my words!

  3. Not sure about needing more agents? They did transfer that one that would not take a bullet for Trump. Between The Clintons and Obamas I bet they got at least 40 that would loved to be transferred.

  4. This last week has underscored how fragile our order is.

    Looney tunes can get in the face of the Senate Majority leader in public or the head of DHS. Spit in the face of a State AG.

    If any one of them had a gun or a bottle of acid, we would be having a very different conversation.

    And this is all over nothing. America is a racist, bigoted country that exploits the weakest members of society and every immigrant has an unassailable right to come here to be exploited by it if I understand their Hate America logic correctly.

  5. I thought she had it already.
    It was disturbing to see how close they (who are they, anyway?) got to Elaine Chao.
    And now with John Legend (In His Own Mind) upped the ante, they better get protection to everyone in Trump’ administration.

  6. it should be paid for by removing mad maxines, nancy pelosis, chuck schumers, hillary’s and obama’s tax payer provided security.

    let them pay their own way.

    they created this violent revolution let them pay for the consequences.

  7. Hey lefties, remember Valerie Jarrett? Nobody ever once laid a finger on her or shunned her in any way. Yet she had SS from before Day One of the Barky regime. And she’s still got it, thanks to her current residence in his basement . So don’t talk to me about cost or cause, you know-nothing assholes.

  8. The trend made clear over the past week is any woman who works for or supports Trump is targeted for harassment and attacks by the party that hates all women, who haven’t been indoctrinated to hate America, that is the democrats. More agents will be required. Oh, and as expected that attackers are already ranting about the cost and how extra protection is not needed, it’s just more Trump drama.

  9. Overdue. The Huckabees are Establishment Republicans and really don’t think the radical left are a problem. Now that they’re clued, thanks to an up close and personal encounter, they might have some empathy for President Trump.


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