Sarah Palin Tells Joy Behar ‘Suck It Up, Cupcake’ – IOTW Report

Sarah Palin Tells Joy Behar ‘Suck It Up, Cupcake’

Breitbart: Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin scoffed at ABC Host Joy Behar’s “crocodile tears” and told her to “suck it up, cupcake,” while citing a Breitbart News article reporting on the removal of Kid Rock as grand marshal of the Nashville Christmas Parade.

The former GOP vice presidential hopeful jumped to her Facebook page to ridicule ABC’s The View host, who reacted with outrage after rock singer Kid Rock called her a “bitch” on live TV during a Friday interview with Fox & Friends.

Palin was incredulous at Behar’s mock outrage over being called a bitch especially considering all the names she has called others.

“Buckle up,” Palin wrote on her Facebook page. “Save the crocodile tears @joyvbehar – if you can dish it out you sure as heck better be ready to take it in.”

Palin went on saying, “You sat idly by, downright giddy, as guests on YOUR show called my daughter a hooker? You’ve said worse about me (and other women), but I’ve got other things to do than spend precious time googling it all.”

“Joyless B – suck it up, cupcake,” Palin jabbed before adding a link to a report citing the time her daughter was called a “hooker” on The View MORE HERE

19 Comments on Sarah Palin Tells Joy Behar ‘Suck It Up, Cupcake’

  1. I like Palin a lot and wish her every success but she and McCain, deservedly or not, is the face of Republican ignominy. Their defeat to that middling neophyte community organizer, who’s singular accomplishment was voting “present” on any bill he could not figure out himself, as a Republican that was as galling to me as Hillary losing the most winnable election (so they say) is to the Democrats.

  2. Rich Taylor — If you read up on the aftermath of the McCain-Palin campaign, Palin did all she could to win the election. McCain shut her out from most of the decision-making, and it was up to McCain’s handlers on whether Sarah Palin should be even heard or seen.

    McCain’s loss would be even larger, if not for Sarah Palin’s presence on the ticket.

  3. Well, Joy Behar’s a bitch, she’s a big fat bitch,
    she’s the biggest bitch in the whole wide world,
    she’s a stupid bitch if there ever was a bitch,
    she’s a bitch to all the boys and girls.

    On Monday she’s a bitch, on Tuesday she’s a bitch,
    and Wednesday to Saturday she’s a bitch,
    then on Sunday just to be different she’s a
    super King Kamehameha beotch!

    Have you ever met Joy Behar,
    she’s the biggest bitch in the whole wide world,
    she’s a mean old bitch and she has stupid hair,
    she’s a bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch,
    bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch
    she’s a stupid bitch, WHOOO!

    Joy Behar’s a bitch and she’s just a dirty bitch,
    talk to kids around the world, it might go a little bit something like this! (sings in Chinese) (sings in French) (sings in Dutch) (sings in Swahili)

    Have you ever met Joy Behar,
    she’s the biggest bitch in the whole wide world,
    she’s a mean old bitch and she has stupid hair,
    she’s a bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch

  4. Now I’d pay money to see Sarah beat the snot out of Behag and permanently wipe the smug off her face.


    ‘Loretta in Indiana’ you are exactly correct in what you wrote.

  5. If I remember right the crowds were much bigger for Sarah Palin than they were for John McCain during the run. John McCain didn’t particular like that too much.
    Oh well he’s probably roasting marshmallows as we speak.

  6. Loretta in Indiana- I get that Palin was never taken seriously by the McCain handlers, not adequately prepared, kept out of the loop, and thrown under the bus in the aftermath in the most cowardly manner possible, but her face is a reminder of what could have been. After a one term McCain presidency, where she could have learned the ropes, she should have been the first female President. Instead we got economic purgatory for 8 years and a lead from behind international rep that really hurt us. It was a colossal waste of an opportunity.

  7. I didn’t vote for Songbird McStain – I voted for Palin.
    And would still vote for her today (well, not until 2024 anyway).
    With that in mind – Pence/Palin sounds pretty darn good.


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