Sarah Palin to subpoena 2 dozen NYT reporters in defamation suit – IOTW Report

Sarah Palin to subpoena 2 dozen NYT reporters in defamation suit


Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin plans to subpoena close to two dozen New York Times reporters, editors and other workers as part of her defamation lawsuit against the newspaper, it was revealed in court documents Wednesday.

In a motion arguing that the case be dismissed, lawyers for the New York Times complained that Palin’s legal team has served notice that she plans to subpoena “twenty-three non-party current and former Times reporters, editors and other employees — most of whom had nothing to do with the editorial at issue.”

The subpoenas are part of Palin’s effort to obtain “documents that might reveal, among other things, their ‘negative feelings’ toward her,” the Times told the judge.

Palin’s legal team also intends to ask the paper to produce “every internal communication it has had about her since 2011,” they said.  more here

13 Comments on Sarah Palin to subpoena 2 dozen NYT reporters in defamation suit

  1. Remember when the lefties contracted the whole Internet’s to sift through 25’000 of Palin’s emails for dirt and came up empty? Well as they say.. ya reap what ya sow.

    Pay Back is a B*TCH.

  2. Good for her. The Times is in finacial trouble, nobody trusts the news anymore and if this gets in front of a jury it could finish the NYT in the form it is now. I’ll bet Punch is upping his dose of nightly Lorazipam and Johnny Blue.

  3. One way to end Fake News Media is to accelerate their bankruptcy.

    Hey NYT, CNN, MSNBC, et al, you have ZERO credibility. Only fools would read or listen to you partisan hacks. People with brains tune you out.

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